

【揚升大師Hilarion】譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.保持心的純潔(學習新現實如何運作) (20200803)
《2》.人間天堂 (20200903)

《1》.關於:保持心的純潔(學習新現實如何運作) .
傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff.
譯者:Nick Chan.

I come on the wings of love! The energies coming in the months ahead are intensified love Light. It will make those who are not resonating with this energy feel like their world has turned upside down, with everything they believed in being revealed as not what they think it is. They will see their thoughts manifesting around them almost instantly – any lies, collusions, deceits and corruption they participate in will have to be faced by them and brought into accountability. We caution each of you to discipline your thoughts towards all the good that you want to experience in your daily life. As we have often said, find things every day to be grateful for. Feeling gratitude will increase the pleasant happenings in your life and these will manifest very quickly.
我駕著愛的翅膀而來!未來幾個月將會到來的能量是加強的愛與光。那些不與這個振動共振的人會感到他們的世界上下顛倒, 他們相信的一切會被揭示為 , 不是他們認為的樣子。他們會看到他們的想法幾乎瞬間在他們周圍顯化 --- 他們參與的任何謊言、勾結、欺騙和腐敗,必須要去親自面對並被問責。我們提醒你們每個人去鍛鍊你的想法(朝向你想要在日常生活中體驗的所有美好)。如我們經常所說,每天去尋找可以感恩的東西。感恩會增加你生活中令人愉悅的事件,這些東西會非常快速地顯化

Nurture your body, mind and spirit with online activities that make you laugh and feel good about yourself, your loved ones and others around you. Watch only positive, happy movies that leave you feeling uplifted and inspired and in tune with Creator Source. Align everyday with thoughts that make you happy, especially when confronted with images and fear based negative thinking. Learn to observe when this happens and when it does, just say “NO – not my reality!” Choose to experience all that is good, all that is decent and empowering to you and others and this is the ripple effect that will go out into the atmosphere of the planet to empower the entirety of Creation. Doing so will uplift our planet into joy and in this way, make it a sacred home for the purified “made as new” humans.
伴隨著讓你歡笑和感覺良好(對你自己、你心愛的人和周圍的其他人)的活動滋養你的身體、頭腦、精神。只觀看讓你感到振奮人心、被激勵、與造物主源頭協調一致的積極、快樂的電影。每天與讓你開心的想法對齊,尤其當面對基於恐懼的畫面和負面想法時。學會觀察,當這發生。當它真的發生,只是說“不 --- 不是我的現實!”選擇去體驗所有美好的東西、所有正派的東西、所有授權的東西,這是會漣漪到大氣層去授權整體造物的連鎖反應。這麼做會將地球提升到喜悅中,在這樣的方式中,讓它成為被淨化的“全新”人類的神聖家園

You are in preparation stage for learning how the new reality works. In this new reality, all your thoughts and feelings are instantaneously manifested as your outward experience. (This is already happening for some of you…you know it as synchronicity and signposts along the way). It is better to cleanse any inner motivations that are not in alignment with the highest good of all as quickly and responsibly as you can. The current period of time is to allow everything not in alignment with your highest and greatest good to rise up from within you that can create a blockage to attaining purity within your being. Inner purity in body, mind and spirit is key to forward movement.
你處於學習新現實如何運作的準備階段。在這個新現實中,你所有的想法和感受會立刻顯化為你的外在體驗。(這已經在為你們一些人發生 ... 你認識它為同時性和指路牌)。最好去清理任何不與一切的最高良善對齊的內在動機,儘可能快和負責地。當前的時期在讓一切不與你最高良善對齊的東西 , 從你之內浮現,這會在你的存在中創造一個堵塞 , 讓你難以獲得純淨。身體、頭腦、精神中的內在純淨是前進的關鍵

The new game, if you will, in the new reality is to operate your daily affairs in complete transparency, for nothing can remain hidden for long. Everyone will know this truth and this will gradually encourage people to trust each other. This will facilitate remarkable progress in bringing forth new spiritual technology that is helpful for the entire planet and her inhabitants. Many positive and life enhancing changes will manifest. In this moment of now, it is massive and collective cleansing and purifying that we are seeing on a global scale. What used to work before to camouflage undesirable motivations and actions within individuals no longer does. Using distractions by manipulating the collective consciousness to think in certain directions will have no effect, as long as each individual is purified within their inner sanctum.
新的遊戲,如果你願意這麼說,在新的現實中,就是在完全的透明度中操作你的日常事務,因為沒什麼可以長時間隱藏。每個人都會知道這個真理,這會漸漸地鼓勵人們去信任彼此。這會顯著地促進 , 帶來能夠幫助整個地球和其居民的新精神科技。許多積極的提高生活的改變會顯化。在這個當下,我們看到的是全球規模的巨大集體清理與淨化。曾經可以有效偽裝不良動機與行為的東西,不再奏效。通過操眾集體意識,去在特定的方向中思考來創造干擾,不再有效,只要每個人的內心被淨化

For when one’s heart is pure, it is fearless and automatically protected. Any negative energy sent one’s way will bounce instantly back to the sender who will then have to deal with the chaos they intended for the other. When this is happening often enough to be discerned in the sender’s awareness, they will see that their huge deception over humanity is completely over and done with. They will not be able to control and manipulate humans in order to have a body to use as their tool. These beings, even now, are leaving the planet in great haste. They know their time is ended here.
因為當一個人的心是純潔的,它是無畏的,自動受保護的。發送給你的任何負面能量會立刻返回發送者,他們會必須處理他們想要別人面對的混亂。當這足夠頻繁地發生 , 讓發送者意識到這一點,他們會看到,他們對人類巨大的欺騙,已經完全結束了。他們會無法控制和操眾人類,為了擁有一個身體可以去利用,當作工具。這些存在,即使是現在,正在巨大的匆忙中離開地球。他們知道他們的時代結束了

Until next month,

I AM Hilarion
我是 Hilarion

傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff.
譯者:Nick Chan.

I come on the wings of love! There are too many happenings taking place on the planet and it requires you to be alert and aware at all times. This has become a honing practice for many of you as you listen, read or peruse different modes of communication. The honing practice is in the use of your intuitive faculties to discern the level of truth in what is presented to you. It is a time of getting the real truth without taking any outward controversial actions. This is a skill you have already developed in other lifetimes or which you have been developing as you have been living your current lifetime. Your super senses are now coming online and being activated as the energy frequency of the whole planet rises higher. It is a practice that will serve you well in these turbulent times as the changes in every facet of life on Earth keep on coming!

As this skill is activated and developed, the true portent of any information will be conveyed without the need for too many words – one just gets it and ponders or acts on the information received before making a move or not. The new human circuitry is coming online in every human being. The more one recognizes as and when this happens, the greater the spread of knowledge in a quiet and unobtrusive way unfolds for the entire collective field. The people will just know certain things. The more attuned to one’s Soul/God connection, the more infallible this method of communication becomes. Again, we remind you, Dear Ones, stay aware and awake and do a lot of observing in all that is presented before you.

There is a great effort to capture your attention on matters that want your focus and actions to turn back to old paradigm methods and ways that keep humanity divided and competing with each other, ever fearing the other as one’s enemy. Learn to recognize certain key words that put you into negative reaction mode and by doing so, immediately pull your frequency level down. This is where the great battle for the capture of souls for the light or the dark rages at this time. ANYTHING that makes you feel less than someone else, that encourage you to feel guilt within for something you personally did not do or instigate in your current lifetime need to be recognized and this is done by observing self and one’s reactions or responses as they happen.

There are many such snares being utilized at this time by many different entities, some of whom speak bitterly of warring factions with other beings in the Galaxy that did not take place on planet Earth at all! If these communications come to your attention, say verbally “NOT MY REALITY!” and then let it go without further dwelling upon it. You, the humans currently on this planet at this time did not come here to solve the problems on other worlds and systems. You were chosen as one of the experienced warriors of the Light of God that never fails to retain and maintain your inner purity and personal freedom and sovereignty no matter what was happening externally in the world you live on. You inherently know that what is required of you and others like you, is the raising of your frequency levels to the highest levels that it is possible right now on this planet each and every day! You must take your stand in the Light and HOLD it as long as it is needed to move humanity into the higher levels of the new Earth reality.

You are a special group of souls who have already mastered many extra-sensory skills, gifts and abilities who was given the chance in this lifetime to further hone and refine these inner abilities and use them in Divine service to others here on Earth. You have already done the work of purifying your body, mind and spirit! Do not let anyone convince you that you are responsible for any of their issues. These beings have to do their own work in this regard. YOU are here to stay in your highest purity and frequency each day and this assists the entire collective consciousness of humanity to rise up to the higher octaves of frequency where they can choose to connect with their own God consciousness, thereby experiencing for themselves as a unified part of the Earth and her inhabitants, the reality of Heaven on Earth!

Until next month,

I AM Hilarion


