
【Angel Wisdom】《1》這是一個強大又重要的時刻;《2》一個新的成長水平;《3》神聖的力量可供你使用;《4》守護天使給你的信(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.這是一個強大又重要的時刻 (20200620)
《2》.一個新的成長水平 (20200621)
《3》.神聖的力量可供你使用 (20200622)
《4》.守護天使給你的信 (20200624)

2020年9月5日.Angel Wisdom信息;

This is an important and powerful time

You are being put on notice that the time of transformation is at hand and those of you who step forward and take your power,become your true self,and take your desire fueled by your spiritual passion and mix it with the abilities of your personal power and you are unstoppable.You are the magician in your life and you are about to embark on a new journey with new possibilities that have been born by the work you have been doing on yourself.By expanding your light,you have expanded the possibilities and the choices that are becoming available to you.

Your best friends through this next phase will be developing your spiritual vision or your third eye and expanding your abilities of communication or translating the communication from your 3rd eye to words of understanding,your spiritual communication. Honing these skills will help you with the choices that you are making in creating your desired destiny.

Take a deep breath,you are Ready for this!

Affirm: "I have all the power and abilities to create the destiny I desire.Magic happens when I live my truth in full consciousness."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月5日.Angel Wisdom信息;

A New Level of Growth

You are about to attain a new level of growth and with this download of information you may find the assimilation a bit of a challenge to deal with .Take time out to rest,relax and rejuvenate.Make some plans but don"t be stuck on them as they may be about to change.It is important to partake in some action steps while you are also taking rest and therein lies the challenge.

Know that you may need extra sleep or feel the need to hibernate.Put on a onesy and make that cup of coco and journal under a warm blanket by candlelight.Use the time to plan while also taking care of yourself.Do some introspection as this is a big time for growth and expansion.Do some research,take a class,or a seminar and expand your understanding by spending more time on projects that feed your spirit.This is the beginning of the next wave.Let it happen and enjoy the ride.

Affirm: "I am successfully processing through each level of my growth and expansion easily through self-care,introspection,and action."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月5日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《3》.關於:神聖的力量可供你使用 .

Divine powers are available

See the gift of possibilities that is being made available to you.Feel out the fate,or the knowing of the outcome of certain paths and you are being guided by the divine powers that are within you and tools that are there for you to utilize as you become ready for their awesome power once again.It is truly a re-remembering of what you have been before and now it is safe for you to bring these abilities to the surface and use them to help to make a better way for yourself and all humanity.

You are growing in leaps and bounds and as you prepare for this next big shift be sure that are taking care of you.This helps to lessen the shift symptoms you are going through and helps you to acclimatize to the higher degrees of light that you begin to carry.Stare into the waters and see the ripples of what could be.Allow yourself the time to connect with the divine and activate this power while you teach yourself the wisdom of the worlds.You will see through your feelings,your dreams,and your visions,the signs and symbols and become aware of a new consciousness speaking to you from deep within.It is time to train,and then implement your new skills with great responsibility,love,and beauty.

Affirmation: "As I learn to trust myself and my abilities with which I can see the possibilities of what is to come,I am able to make better choices for myself and my life and assist in the expansion of all that is."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月5日.Angel Wisdom信息;

A Love Letter from your Guardian Angels

Your Guardian Angels want you to know how much they love you right now.Your Angels" love is completely unconditional and all-encompassing.It is always with you.You are not alone.You are never alone.Let this be A love letter from your Guardian Angels who want you to know

"We are right here.We are with you,loving you,supporting you.We want the best for you,always."

Your guardian angels know that you are deserving and they want you to also believe that.There is nothing that you could have ever done, thought,or said,that could make you unworthy.They never judge or abandon you for the mistakes you feel you make.These angels are simply here to support you so that you can spiritually grow and evolve your light.

Just sit back,take some deep breaths,call in your guardian angels and then just feel their love,comfort and compassion.

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides


