
【Angel Wisdom】《1》轉變你的思維;《2》保持純淨的創造意念;《3》豐盛是一種心態;《4》揚升症狀(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.轉變你的思維 (20200609)
《2》.保持純淨的創造意念 (20200610)
《3》.豐盛是一種心態 (20200611)
《4》.揚升症狀 (20200612)

2020年9月3日.Angel Wisdom信息;

Transform your Thoughts

The angels are guiding you to choose your thoughts carefully! Just as you are capable of manifesting masterpieces, you are also able to manifest chaos and problems.The good news is that you can also undo anything that you are unhappy about.Choose wisely the thoughts you put into the mass consciousness as these are what you are creating and attracting.

Continuing to tell the same stories of shortage, sadness or even despair only continues to contradict your desire for abundance, health and healing.Your angel guidance is to remember that you cannot have it both ways: You cannot focus upon what you don"t want and receive what you want.You cannot focus upon stories about lack and allow into your experience what desire.Begin to tell a different story as this will bring different results.

The Mantra for today is: "My thoughts are focused on the attraction of all things that I consider good and wanted, this includes enough money and health, for my comfort and joy and for the good of all."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月3日.Angel Wisdom信息;

Hold pure thoughts of Creation

Use your spiritual sight to help you create by holding pure thoughts as long as you can without letting other thoughts sneak in to your mind.Hold pure thoughts to assist in your healing,and to help with your guidance. As you come into your own power,events begin to occur with great speed,so take the time to carefully review your options and your motives and allow yourself to be open to creative solutions.Trust what you see in your mind's eye as well as your physical sight and your feelings.These are your guidance systems and are the best tools you have available to you.

As you perfect using your thoughts balanced with your emotions,you cannot help but expand your senses and learning to trust them is the key.Continue to move forward and see the positive results you desire and know that much more is available to you when you are open to receive.Be empowered as the grand creators of your destiny for you are truly in control of how you perceive your world.

The Mantra for today is:"Each day I am becoming more sensitive and in control of my abilities.I am Empowered!"

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月3日.Angel Wisdom信息;

Abundance is a mind-set

Do you envision a life of living abundantly, or do you visualize the rug being pulled out from under you once again, or perhaps even that you are just not worthy of all things wonderful? The angels want to remind you of the importance of keeping a positive attitude in both your heart and your mind and immediately erase any negative thoughts that creep in the crevasse of the mind when one is not vigilant.

Be ready now to transform any thoughts and feelings that do not support you or your growth and simply choose to hold thoughts that are productive and wanted.Also be ready to take action and follow up on intuitive insights and feelings as these are indeed the guideposts you have been looking for to help you.

The Mantra for today is:" I am READY NOW to live a life of ABUNDANCE!"

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月3日.Angel Wisdom信息;

Ascension Symptoms

Some of you are experiencing subtle shifts in your energy and well-being and yet others are experiencing enormous shifts and changes at this time and so trust that all is well as you find your balance and return to a state of harmonious being.Because your energy body and your physical body vibrate at such different rates and are beginning to merge into one in a new way,you can experience these shifts in physical ways.Consult a healthcare practitioner that you trust and who listens to what you have to say as you feel guided,especially if something is not getting better as you try to honour the process of healing and regeneration.Remember that sometimes the aches and pains and tiredness are due to the energetic awakenings you are going through and sometimes just spending time in nature,rest,meditation,eating nourishing foods,and drinking lots of water blessed with love and thank you are all that is required to get you through it and at other times there are tinctures and essences that can help the healing process run more smoothly.

Your angel guidance is to remember that you are spiritually awakening into greater light and this expansion,while natural and beautiful,requires time and taking care of yourself.You will be experience your world in new ways,with new sensitivities and understandings and this all can be made easier when you take the time to allow the process to unfold.

Affirmation: "I bathe myself in healing light to heal,purify,and regenerate my physical,emotional,mental,and spiritual bodies as I continue the process of merging my energy bodies with my physical and expand my light."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides


