
【Angel Wisdom】《1》你有重新選擇的自由;《2》光明的未來正在顯化;《3》釋放任何內在的鬥爭;《4》從新的視角看生活;《5》奇蹟就在你身邊(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.你有重新選擇的自由 (20200531)
《2》.光明的未來正在顯化 (20200601)
《3》.釋放任何內在的鬥爭 (20200602)
《4》.從新的視角看生活 (20200603)
《5》.奇蹟就在你身邊 (20200604)

2020年9月1日.Angel Wisdom信息;

You have the freedom to choose again

Sometimes you feel tied down to a situation or person because they feel safe or we are honouring an obligation made in the past.However these circumstances have lead you to be untrue to your authentic self and you are acting the way you feel you should in order to keep or make others happy.To be free, you must rediscover your authentic self and walk away from the chains that bind you to the past, to lower energies or what no longer serves your growth.

The angels want you to realize that you are free—living in freedom is simply a shift of mindset or attitude.Do not be afraid to let go of the familiar, for the new cannot come in until the old and worn out has been released.Transformation is a vulnerable time, so take care of yourself as you change.

Everything you do in your life is by your choice, and you are free to choose again.The next time you begin to think "I have to", stop and explore new ways of thinking, doing, and being.Explore and experiment with new thoughts and ideas.Ask your angels to help guide you to do something completely new in a way that brings you freedom, fulfillment and joy.

The Mantra for today is: "I welcome new ideas, new opportunities and new adventures into my life."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月1日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《2》.關於:光明的未來正在顯化 .

Your Bright Future is Manifesting

You have been making great progress on your journey through life and it is these experiences that shape what is to come,or should we say,what you make of these life experiences that make way for what is manifesting for you.This is a time of significant opportunities to help you change your life to be living your dreams.Let go of any belief systems that no longer support or work for you as it is time to create a new perspective and take action using your creative thoughts and trusting in your future.This is a time of life-changing events and taking action now creates the progress you desire.

Walk away from dishonest associations or those that are not of integrity as this is the energy that distracts you from what is most important to you and stunts your growth.Realize that you are deserving of good things for yourself and your life and see that what you thought you wanted at that time no longer matches you and there is something better on the horizon that will soon be visible to you.Listen to your heart,you are receiving intuitive insights that you can trust and they will help to guide you to the success that you desire.
遠離不真誠的社團,或那些不正直的人,因為這會 ( 造成 ) 分心對你來說最重要的,並阻礙你的成長。意識到你值得好東西,看到你曾經認為你想要的不再符合你,地平線上有著更好的出現。聆聽內心,你在收到直覺的洞見,你可以相信,它們會幫助指引你到達你渴望的成功

The Mantra for today is:"My life experiences are leading me to a better way and I am manifesting a bright and abundant future for myself and my life."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月1日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《3》.關於:釋放任何內在的鬥爭 .

It is time to release any internal struggles

Your personal power increases as you surrender any ego driven struggles within yourself to that of the Creator.This helps to lighten up other relationships where power struggles have occurred in the past if they are ready to shift.As within so without,this is why it is so important for each of you do the journey of self healing and expansion,as you change,your environment changes and you affect change in the world around you.

Believe in yourself and your inner strength.You are a strong and beautiful light and you would not be here right now reading this message where it not so.There is great power when you begin to truly and deeply believe in yourself and your power to create great change.You are powerful,you are a chosen one,hone your skills,and prepare yourself as you are becoming more.

Affirm: "I have great strength,power,and understanding.I am beginning to see and feel with an expanded sight and enhanced understanding with the world around me."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月1日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《4》.關於:從新的視角看生活 .

Seeing Life from a New Perspective

You are awakening aspects of yourself that have been dormant for some time and as this awakening unfolds,you begin to understand on a deeper level of seeing,feeling,and being.This process can be overwhelming at times as some of these feelings can emerge like a land slide,clearing away all the old energy in its wake.Allow the process to unfold and you will clear it away faster.Resistance only makes the process longer and more difficult.Consult an expert in the field of energy medicine if you need some assistance as most of these human angels have been through the process and honed their skills as they learned how to work in the new energy.

Don"t be deterred by the challenges along the way. These are just times to stop,take stock and then prepare for the next phase.A temporary pause makes way for the action or sudden movement that will happen as you become prepared.There is much information available that can help you through the process,so take the time to look for the answers you seek.Remember that you have the power of discernment and so trust these new feelings that alert you to what is right and best for you in these next steps.

The Mantra for today is: "As I reflect on my life and strive to find the right balance for me,my awareness begins to unfold in new of ways.I am awakening deeper levels of understanding,new feelings and new ways of being.I am awakening!"

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月1日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《5》.關於:奇蹟就在你身邊 .

Miracles are occurring all around you

When you begin to notice the miracles that happen all the time you will start to experience them more in your life.It is important to be conscious of what energy you surround yourself with and to remember that positive people and situations help draw more of that to your life.This helps to create a positive outlook and allows for miracles to enter your life.Avoid negative people,situations and environments,as that energy is what you then attract,more of what you don"t want.Releasing negative influences helps bring in new energy and new opportunities and will also help you to establish an environment that promotes creativity,health,well-being and abundance.

Become still and attune to your soul.Allow the whispers of your heart to be heard.Ask your angels for guidance and to help you see all of the miracles in your life and those occurring all around you.From this point of inner stillness you will see the beauty in all things enter your life and surround you in that light.

Your angel guidance is to remember that there are always miracles happening and the magic of transformation is always available for those who dare to seek it.

Affirm: "When I seek with my heart,miracles occur all around me and in my life."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides


