

【天使】傳導:Ann Albers 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.多樣性 (20200913)
《2》.與愛連接 (20200920)
《3》.沒有愛的行為是無意義的 (20200928)
#AnnAlbers #NickChan

《1》.關於:多樣性 .
傳導:Ann Albers.
譯者:Nick Chan.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There are worlds upon worlds in both your 3D reality and beyond. There are entire communities of diverse individuals all within a mere half inch of your pinky finger – communities of skin cells, bone cells, blood cells, capillaries, cuticles, hormones, neurons, and so much more! There are a myriad of diverse communities within a square foot in your yard – leaves, soil, bacteria, bugs, molds, water, roots, etc. Likewise there are nations in your gut. Without exception, each of these natural communities is designed to follow its direction from the Source and exist in harmony and balance with the diversity of life around it.

Humans were designed this way too.

Problems arise when you forget that your diversity is your strength. Your diversity causes you to grow and expand. Your diversity, if harnessed with love, can make the human race exponentially more capable of solving its problems. Your diversity guides you to examine your own personal point of view and find your natural place in the ecosystem of the human race. You signed up for diversity when you came to this earth. The One became many to explore all that it could become, and you are part of that One, while also being completely unique. You are all precious cells in the body of the earth, and in the Body of the Divine.

Knowing this, it makes no sense to insist that anyone else must think or act the way you do. Knowing this, it is equally absurd to expect yourself to be the same as everyone else. It is instead, of great value to your soul, to use the diversity as a way of exploring your preferences, much as you would if you were sampling food at a buffet. “I like this. I don’t like that.” At a buffet you would not insist that the host remove all food you don’t like. You wouldn’t judge it or cast aspersions upon it! You would leave it there for others to enjoy, and simply, without drama, partake of the food you do enjoy. You might try something new and discover you like it, or try something new and discover you don’t.

In any case, you are striving to discover and uncover what makes you You. What makes you unique? What makes you special? Do you dip your pickles in peanut butter? Most of you will cringe when we say that, but a few of you are curious to try it. Sweet and sour and salty works for some and not for others.

You only seek sameness, because you fear that the differences can encroach upon, or threaten, your own personal reality. This is a false premise. You and you alone decide upon your vibration and your vibration dictates what part of the “buffet of human experience” you will experience.

So rather than fearing those who do not think the way you do; rather than fearing one political candidate or the other; rather than fearing those who have radical beliefs or those who are intensely conservative; rather than fearing anything different than your own way of being, remind yourself, “I AM One with I AM.” “I AM One with the love that lives in all things and all beings. I AM through my choices, my thoughts, and my actions emitting a vibration that will draw elements of this vast buffet of life to me that match my vibration.”

If you focus angrily on those who you think can hurt you, you’ll find yourself drawing forth more and more of those whom you fear and dislike. If you focus lovingly on those whom you would like to empower you will likewise be drawn to those of like mind and heart. The healthy cells in your body, in all their diversity, do not war with one another. They do not fear one another. Instead they find their “communities of like mind” and co-exist in harmonious and balanced reality.

The chicken on the buffet does not despise or judge the desserts although these two items would rarely be seen mixed in together on the same plate!

Mind your own vibration dear friends. Focus upon that which you wish to empower. If you don’t want to be in the storms, imagine and focus upon peaceful and calm weather. Then, even if a storm should come, it will dissipate or you will be guided safely out of its path.

If you want one political party or the other, focus on that which love about your party or candidate. Better yet, focus on the which you would love to see in the world. If you enter into a political discussion with another speak about what you love – not about what you hate. So many of you know what you don’t like, but do you know what you do? Use the contrast to figure that out. Then, even if another starts speaking angrily or with hate, you can shift the conversation. “Tell me what you love about your candidate or party.” Listen with respect even if you disagree. Strive to learn about others’perspectives, rather than simply defending your own. In doing so you’ll stay connected to your ever-loving soul, and you’ll find greater love and compassion for others. You are happiest when you are being your most loving self. You feel most like the real you at those times.

Dear ones your world is at boiling point due to the false premise that sameness is necessary. So many are insisting their way is the right way, and it is… for them! Your way is the right way for you. If everyone were to focus on what they love about what they love, and about who they love, the best of the human race would emerge. Mother Nature would not have to release your pressures in such a violent way. Opposing parties could learn from each other and bring their strengths together. The diverse races would band together in creative “think tanks” to draw from their strengths.

The reality of “live and let live” is not yet real for many upon your earth who remain chained by their own fear or hatred to that which they fear and hate.

Nonetheless, you can find freedom! You can examine the diversity, learn from the contrasts, and decide who you wish to be. You can choose to love yourself and your perspectives without hating or fearing those who disagree. You can choose to love even if others hate. You can have faith even when others fear. You can be the light and the love and the truth and the way for a greater reality which is indeed being born upon your planet amidst the chaos.

Without exception, no one can encroach upon your vibrational reality unless you allow them, and it is always your vibration that dictates what you allow or attract into your own personal experience of life.

You were never meant to be the same. You were never meant to think the same, behave the same, act the same, vote the same, cook the same, eat the same, learn and grow the same. You were not meant to look the same way, interact with one another the same way, or speak the same way. You were meant only to love as you embody the vast diversity of the One, to live and let live; to find the differences that can be used for mutual benefit, and to walk away from those who don’t.

We need you dear ones. We need your love. Your earth is shaken, stirred, and swirling, and yet your hearts can be centered in knowing who you are, what you love, and how you want to live, without any fear whatsoever that another can take this away. Vibrationally, you are, and always have been free, no matter who agrees or not.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels

《2》.關於:與愛連接 .
傳導:Ann Albers.
譯者:Nick Chan.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Be kind to yourselves. There is only so much you can control in your external reality by using external means. You can’t control the behavior of others, even if you’re trying to help them choose a happier life. You can’t control the outcome of elections, although your vote certainly counts. You can’t stop a hurricane by standing with arms wide open, nor put out a wildfire with a garden hose.

It is easy to feel that your efforts to create a better world are futile in the face of such “large” conditions, but just as a healthy body depends on the health of each of its individual cells, so too a healthy human race, and a calm, peaceful, harmonious world depends on well-being of each individual that comprises it. Your work, your words, and above all, your energy vibration matter in the greater scheme of reality more than you can possibly imagine.

One of you, in conscious connection with the Source within, is more powerful than thousands who are not. Even if you cannot single-handedly change the outcome of an external situation by external means, when you are consciously feeling connected to the Divine within, you are vibrationally powerful enough to calm storms, soothe fires, and to vote (with your vibration) for the most loving outcome for your entire human race. In connection with Source, you are plugged into the power that creates worlds.

Perhaps most important to you personally, is the fact that in your loving vibration you will be guided to live a peaceful, happy, safe, and harmonious life, no matter what the rest of the world is doing.

Anytime you are in connection with love, you are experience your connection with Source. Anytime you receive love from the universe – be it an inspired moment of appreciating the sun upon your face, the rain upon your skin, or the grass beneath your feet – you are flowing love. Anytime you allow yourself to think a thought that feels good to you, you are flowing love. Anytime you focus on the good within another, or even the spark of light within them, you are flowing love. Anytime you do anything with authenticity and integrity, you are flowing love.

It is not so difficult dear ones, in a million tiny ways a day, to connect with love, with the Divine, with the Source of all goodness. The more you do this intentionally, the kinder, calmer, safer, healthier, and happier your own life will be, and the greater will be your contribution to the world. Try it and watch for the tangible results – good feelings, joy on the journey, ease, grace, guidance, flow, synchronicities, connection with helpful souls, and eventually, all that you have dreamed and more manifesting in your life.

In this connected reality, you are a contribution. Some of you will contribute with inspired effort. Some of you will contribute with inspired words. Some of you will contribute simply by living a happy, peaceful life and rippling that peace outward. You are each inspired to do something, even if that “something” is “nothing,” for many of you are being guidedright now to rest, be at peace in the center of the stormy vibrations, and to emanate waves of calm into a chaotic world.

Your world is restructuring itself. There is a great stirring of soil, cells, and souls, as your Mother Earth releases the pent up energies of the human race. You feel it within you. Many of you feel anxious, unrest, or a simultaneous urge to get going, while not feeling like doing anything at all. It is all OK dear ones. Focus on your internal connection with Source, with Love, first and foremost, and in that loving vibration, your reality will be far kinder than the one you see in the external world around you.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels

《3》.關於:沒有愛的行為是無意義的 .
傳導:Ann Albers.
譯者:Nick Chan.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You are in the middle of powerful birthing contractions upon your planet earth. Just as a human mother exerts energy, then rests while attempting to ride the natural cycles of life that force a baby out of the womb, so too your mother earth is allowing the powerful energies of love that have been repressed by humanity to be released through her body – in the form of fires, floods, and various other earth changes.

Although we know these earth changes don’t look like love at this point, they are. A human being can only pinch off love for so long before illness appears, and the body of humanity could only pinch off love for so long before the social ills which have been festering quietly have burst forth on the surface for all to see. The floodgates have been opened and the cries of pain and injustice that you witness are energies being pushed to the surface by the love behind them! Yes, dear ones, behind every so-called negative emotion, there is a great and powerful love attempting to surface!

Within the bursting open of a seed, there is the force of Love and Life wanting to expand into something more. Within a mother’s powerful contractions, there is the force of Life and Love wanting to be birthed. Within every angry outburst, there is Love and Life crying, “I want to be Loved! I want to be treated as the Divine being that I am! I want to be seen as equal in the eyes of humanity! I want to be valued, acknowledged, heard, seen, expressed…” Dear ones, Love and Life have been summoned by the cries of human hearts and they are pushing up through every crack, corner, and crevice of your earth, your hearts, and your lives… awkwardly, painfully, or gracefully, depending on your willingness to let this love surface in your lives.

Look for the love beneath it all. “Seek and Ye shall Find. Knock and he Door will be opened.” If you seek the love you will see the love, and you will be the love, because that is your deepest, truest, nature.

Look for the kind souls in communities who have been pummeled by the storms coming together to help one another, without regard to race or status. Look at the dialogues that are being born out of a desire for peaceful resolution after the angry riots. Look at the innocent and powerful children rising up on your planet to create change because they bore witness to the world’s pain and wanted something more. Look at yourself in the mirror, sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes upset, craving more. Love is rising up from within. You feel its fiery passion. You feel its powerful waves. And so too, does your mother earth, not because she is punishing you but because she must release this energy or she would not be able to hold herself together, any more than you can when you block the flow of love’s circulation in your own body.

A deep and powerful wound is being lanced in your world. It is not easy, not pretty, and certainly not pleasant for so many, but in the long run, you will live in a far better, kinder, and more connected world. You will feel your connection with one another, with nature, with other countries, regardless of race, religion, creed, or gender. This is why you grieved the passing of your dear Ruth Bader Ginsburg, because she stood for a world of equality, and we assure you that even though her body has passed, she is in absolute bliss as she witnesses the movements she birthed and supported here upon this earth. She loves and supports each and every one of you willing to consider yourselves equal in the eyes of God. She knows she “worked herself to death” and has no regrets whatsoever, for she knows, in the light of heaven’s truth, that there is no death of the Love that one births while there upon your earth.
一個深刻的強大的創傷在你們的世界被揭開。它並不簡單、並不漂亮,肯定並不令人愉快,但從長遠看來,你會生活於一個更好、更友善、更加相連的世界。你會感到與另一個人、大自然、其它國家的連接,不管種族、宗教、信念或性別是什麼。所以你悼念Ruth Bader Ginsburg的逝世,因為她支持一個平等的世界,我們向你保證,即使她的身體死亡,她處於絕對的幸福中,隨著她看到她所誕生的運動在地球上被支持。她愛著、支持著每一個願意視自己為神眼中平等的人。她知道她是“工作到死”的,她並不後悔,因為她知道,在天堂的真理之光中,一個人在地球上誕生的愛是不會死亡的

There is no death of the Love that one births while there upon your earth.

Remember that dear ones. The love you birth in your earthly dimension is eternal. You are the hands, the eyes, the mind, and the mouth of God when you are willing to bring any love to the surface – in any way, in any given moment. Your love remains as a vibration, very much like a note sounded into eternity, that will contribute to the upliftment of the human race even after your body leaves. Whenever you appreciate the simplest thing, you send forth this love. Whenever you treat yourself or another with kindness and compassion, you emanate this love. Whenever you think a thought of delight, joy, or simply contentment, you emanate this love. You are doing it far more often than you might think. Love is natural to the soul and, unimpeded by negative thoughts or expectations for even a second, it flows freely.

You allow Love to pour forth from the Presence of God into your experience here in your earthly reality. Love is ever present beneath the surface, but you are the ones who allow it, through your willingness, into the experience of humanity.

Dear ones, instead of asking “When it is going to get better,” (for it will soon enough), ask yourself much simpler and more powerful questions: “How can I make my life better in this moment? How can I bring a bit of love to the surface in my mind, heart, or life right now? Can I think one kinder thought about myself or another? Can I perform one simple act of kindness towards myself or another, even if it not witnessed by anyone else? Can I appreciate just one thing, right here, right now? What can I contribute to life in this moment, if only a positive vision, or a quiet prayer?”

No act of love is ever insignificant. Love is the nature, the power, and force of the Divine. To the degree that you allow Love through you into your mind, heart, life, family, and community, you will elevate yourself above the world’s unloving challenges, and become the contribution that you truly wish to be. It is, indeed, truly that simple. One loving thought. One loving word. One loving deed… and like a snowball rolling and gathering momentum, your loving vibration will join with others to form a powerful movement of love upon your planet earth. Your notes join together like a symphony that forms a choir of angels, for in your love, you are indeed the angels upon this earth.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels


