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【大天使麥可】決定揚昇為一體;關於 蓋亞的黃金時代、三維幻象、靈魂決定的時刻、維度轉移、揚升症狀

傳導作者:史蒂夫·貝克夫 Steve Beckow.
#SteveBeckow #Amber

(Golden Age of Gaia)

I’m knee deep in paper doing a book on Ascension and came across a passage that can’t wait for the book’s finish to see the light of day again.

In it Archangel Michael explains the nature of our plea to ascend as one and what has resulted from it.

“Archangel Michael on the Pause and Full Restoration,” Feb. 28, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/into-the-golden-age-of-gaia/the-midpoint-of-ascension/archangel-michael-on-the-pause-and-full-restoration/.
“大天使麥可在暫停和全面恢復上”,2013年2月28日https://goldenageofgaia.com/into-the-golden-age-of-gaia/the-midpoint-of-ascension/archangel-michael- 暫停並全面恢復/。

Steve: Could you expand a bit on how the collective decision was communicated to you or the Mother?

Archangel Michael: Yes, in very practical terms and in terms of your society, you can almost think of it as a vote or a consensus. These are not conscious decisions. But we call it, not an unconscious or subconscious or conscious decision, but a soul decision.
大天使麥可:是的,在非常實際的情況下以及就你所在的社會而言,你幾乎可以將其視為投票或共識。 這些不是有意識的決定。 但是,我們稱其為“靈魂決定”,而不是無意識、潛意識或有意識的決定。

So within the populace of Earth, of this magnificent Gaia whether they were aware or unaware – every soul has been aware of the Ascension process and the plan to go forward interdimensionally, multidimensionally and to bring the attended adjusted physical form along, and the impact that that would have on not only upon Gaia and amongst yourself, but throughout the omniverse.

As the time grew nearer, much, much progress was made —– and that was something perhaps we’ve not spoken enough about. We’ve talked during our many discussions, prior to December 2012 of the enormous progress the human collective, not just Light workers and Light holders, but the many very positive strides that were being made by humans.

Now that also entailed help shall we say, from this side of things – like containment, some moderate adjustment, the, beaming of love with increasing frequency from moment to moment from the heart of Mother/Father One, as well as your star brothers and sisters, different frequency, different rate of receiving. So much was done.

Now as you know, during our latter conversations, it was still felt that about 30 percent of the population was, shall we say, good to go. Then there was the gray area, and then there were those who were well behind the fence.

Very married to, very connected to, very reliant upon, very much in love with the illusions of the old Third Dimension.

Now there comes a window and you tended to think of that window – and I do not just mean you personally, I mean you collectively, you who were actively working on such things – as actually being open for well over a year. It then shrunk in November 11, 2012, December 12, 2012, December 21, 2012. But the window was actually quite broad and momentum was gained and being gained every day.

Now on our side, yes, we understand time, but we ask you to bear with us as I try to explain this in ways that will be comprehensible to the readers.

There is an instantaneous moment, and you can think of that moment as a moment within a very elongated process, but there is a moment of soul decision, when either the collective shift takes place – even though some were already through the portal and anchored, but many were not; most were not.

The collective of humanity, the soul-decision consensus, plea vote – however you wish to think of this – the plea went up to ask the Mother, not for a halt, nor even for a pause, that was not the plea.

The plea was, we came together as one family, to do this, to make this monumental change that not only changes each of us and our family and Gaia, but has effect so far beyond. We are aware and we choose to make this shift, but not all are completely ready, but we are asking, and it was a request, in that instantaneous moment: May we do it together? And the answer was yes.

The heart plea was the most earnest perhaps that we have ever witnessed from the collective. Now it wasn’t instantaneously put on hold or halted. The process is still very much underway – giving you, but we did not put a timer on it, but you – humanity, your soul collective, said that we want to do this – and we don’t want it (listen to what you are saying to us,) to take hundreds of years or decades.

Just (what is your expression) just give us a chance to get our ducks in a row. And that is exactly what you are doing, and might I say, that you are doing it with surprising rapidity.

So when we say or indicate to you that it was a collective decision – that is what we are saying. It has nothing to do with whether the collective had earned it, whether they were ready. You were ready the moment you incarnated and made the decision to return. So the readiness has always been there on the soul level.


So you say to me – well Michael, Lord, what happens if some of those beings are slower than others don’t hurry along. And what I am telling you is that not only we, because we have not stopped doing what we do, but you, each of you, in your own way, as builders and determiners of Nova Earth have stepped up your activity.
所以你對我說–好吧,麥可,上帝,如果其中一些存有比其他存有慢一些,那該怎麼辦?我要告訴你的是,不僅是我們(因為我們沒有停止做我們所做的事情),而是你們,作為Nova Earth的建造者和決定者,你們每個人都以自己的方式加緊了你的活動。

You have moved it from a point in time to a completion. So you have moved it from a simple event to something you are creating and doing with us.

So you have entered into a much stronger form of partnership and you may see this – you see it in your energy fields, you see it in how you feel, you see it in what you are experiencing, you see it in your level of exhaustion, your ascension symptoms and in what is happening.
因此,你已經建立了更強大的合作夥伴關係,並且可能會看到這一點–在能量領域看到它,在感覺上看到它,在經歷中看到它,在精疲力竭時看到它 ,你的揚昇症狀以及發生的情況。

And yes, I know, you will say to me – Lord: it is still not fast enough. And my brother, I could not agree more with you, but it is still happening.
是的,我知道,你會對我說–主:仍然不夠快。 而我的兄弟,我不能完全同意你的意見,但這種情況仍在發生。

Does this help?

S: Yes, it does, Lord.