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#KjerstinSisilla #PamelaKribbe #NickChan 

傳導作者:Kjerstin Sisilla
譯者:Nick Chan

Hello all Friends, Sisters and Brothers! I am your Tim / Timothy in Agartha, the inner world of the earth.
大家好,朋友們,兄弟姐妹們!我是地球內部世界,阿加森的Tim/ Timothy
In the Nordic countries, you have spring now and enjoy the progress of spring after a heavy, dizzying and eventful darker season. A lot has happened in your inner self and that is what makes a difference in your outer world.
Many of you, around the Earth, who are aware that much is hidden in the Earth’s interior – you will be mocked and laughed at by those who are still afraid, those who have not awakened.
But all of us here, who are your zealous followers and cheerleaders, we promise you that truths that make your fellow human beings tremble are on their way.
This channel has promised its loved ones not to triumph with a “What did I say?” but instead be there for those who may need answers to emerging questions or help with transformative healing.
You know – all of you who read this – that this will be your most important work in the coming transition phase, right? You are well aware that we are all equally close to the Source, that we are all in the Universe a Oneness.
The dragons have not only woken up – they have done an outstanding job through a great purge of the darkness that Gaia once possessed.
Even your knowledge of the dragons’ actual existence is something you Lightworkers / Light Warriors have been ridiculed for. Now you get the reward for your faithful work by regaining contact with your much-loved and missed friends – in their dragon form.
Realize that the Dragons are your Power that has now returned. Your DNA strands have been restored, the connection to your Mother Earth is total and you can now stand in your full Power again.
(A raven “talks” feverishly, as if to agree with Tim’s words. Thank you)
People on the surface of the earth – be so kind as to now take possession of your full Power. It is your birthright to regain power over your own life, over your own planet Gaia. Power without ego – the power in the form of Love. Love is EVERYTHING.
What you do in Love for your fellow human beings can never go wrong – just a force that grows and grows and grows…
Say to yourself, the words of your dear friend Yeshua:
“I am the Way, the Truth and the Light (Life)”
Be in your heart, be in your power / in the power of Love / in nature / in your Soul with your Beloved Mother Earth.
Enjoy the events that are now unfolding, enjoy the journey, the community, that everything goes according to God’s Plan.
See you Beloved Friends, Sisters and Brothers.
A big HUG and a LOT of Love to you all.
Agartherna by Tim / Timothy.
阿加森的Tim/ Timothy

傳導作者:#Pamela Kribbe 
譯者:Nick Chan 

I am Jeshua, a brother and like-minded person. Feel my presence with you; I’m not a stranger. We are deeply connected to each other. The fact that you inhabit an earthly body and I do not, does not create a great distance between us. Feel it in your heart. The distance that arises between people stems much more from fear and distrust than from whether or not to be physically present together. Feel the inner connection you have with the Christ consciousness, the consciousness of love and connectedness to each other.
A step back, one step inward, is most often preparing for something new that is to come. This is now playing out on a global level. It is a necessity that also plays out in your individual lives when a step is taken inward, whether or not it is enforced by a crisis, a situation that seems to come from the outside. That situation fills a function, is not a hindrance, but a door that opens to the inside world.
Just feel your own inner world for a moment. Go inside. Imagine that inside you is a living, transparent space. It runs throughout your body; it is much larger than your body. It’s your energy field. It’s like a large house that you live in, only it is in continuous movement. There are flowing currents, moods, vibrations, that surround you. This is your house, your energetic home. Your body is included in it. In fact, the state of your energy is the foundation, the basis of it. The body responds to this, flows and moves with it. It is in a way secondary in that it follows the laws of energy. Matter follows energy.
Descend with your consciousness into your own energy field. Go inside. Close yourself off for a moment from the many outside stimuli. Take your attention to your spine, but start a little higher, at the back of your head and something even higher, where there is a kind of channel that connects you to a higher sphere, the sphere of your soul. It connects you to your inner knowledge, which extends beyond time and space, beyond the physical. You simply become aware of that place there, just outside your body, but intimately connected to it. Then slowly travel down your body with your attention. Feel the energy behind your neck, and between your shoulder blades. Draw your attention down your spine as it were. Feel the area behind your stomach, also called the solar plexus, and behind your lower back, to your tailbone. Feel this channel, this energy field, all the way to Earth.
Feel that you are connected to the Earth. Feel the power of the Earth. You’re here to bring something to Earth. You feel an inner urge to share something, give something, or express yourself. That urge comes from your soul, it belongs to your being. Feel equally strongly the channel that runs through you connecting Heaven and Earth. You are a bridge between the two worlds. Sense what you have to give.
To envision this, imagine being on a stage. You sit or stand on a stage and you feel calm and strong. You are not afraid. You’re in touch with that channel in you, you are connected. You are safe. Feel that security. You are in your own interior space and there you are safe and at ease. Then look at who’s in front of you. It is a space, a type of room that has people present who have come there for you. That doesn’t make you scared or nervous. No, you sense deeply that it is meaningful. You’re not there to perform or be recognized. You’re there to share something essential with them. You’re not higher or lower than them either. You’re there in your natural role or function.
Look then at what it is you are doing. What do you have in mind? What do you have to do or say there? Maybe there are people who spontaneously come to you and ask you something. What are they asking you? What do you give them? What do you share with them if you follow your inner urgings? Look especially at the feeling in it. Do you share knowledge, wisdom, gentleness, understanding or encouragement? Feel what’s naturally flowing out of you. Feel how natural this is for you, as easy as breathing.
You are all here to share something of your unique soul quality with others. This means that you stand out, that you no longer follow the beaten path, but follow the voice of your heart. This can incite fears. But at the same time, listening to that inner current brings you closest to yourself and to a sense of fulfillment and joy. The fear that you may experience here is a fear of exclusion. As soon as you start living from your soul, you start acting and thinking and feeling from a flow that is no longer based on the old collective thinking, old habits and fears. You’re introducing a new sound, so to speak.
I call on you to believe in that. There is a need for a new sound. It is a necessity, because only from the contact with the soul, the inner space, can the consciousness on Earth change and grow.
I thank you for being on Earth here and now. You are brave. It requires courage to stand out and follow the voice of your own heart. But you’re supported in this. If not because of the collective energy, which is still stuck at certain points in ancient energy, the support comes from the field of lightness and readiness, which is now in the process of landing on Earth. You can call it Christ consciousness or simply light, clarity, connectedness, love. This field is getting hands and feet partly because of you. There is a new birth happening in this day and age. Don’t be fooled by the negative sounds you hear. Feel the candle flame of the new and let it burn in your own heart.

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.