

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
0:00 影片開頭 0:36 《1》成為創造者,而非崇拜者 (20210511) 5:49 《2》體現基督的意識與源頭能量 (20210511) #DanielScranton #譯者Amber #編譯者Amber

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

Be a Creator, Not a Cult Member ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very particular about what we place our focus upon, because we only want to lend more of our energy to something that we would like to see more of in our experience. We only mention darker timelines and world wars because we know that others are talking about these things, and we want you to know that you don’t have to experience them. You don’t have to experience anything that you do not want to experience from now on, but in order to make that leap, you must be willing to take your attention off of what is not wanted and present in your experience and what is not wanted but has been predicted to be something that will happen in the future.

We don’t think we need to explain to you at this point that there is not one future, but we do want to explain a bit about the mechanics of reality creation. We mentioned that when something is focused upon, the being who is doing the focusing is lending their energy to that which they are focused upon. You are co-creating everything with some of your energy and some of the energy of something or someone else. You combine to co-create an experience together. In this way, you can co-create mass events. You can co-create weather. You can co-create so much that is good and wanted with your energy, the energy that is you.

You just have to train yourselves to put your attention on that which you want to become one with. You can always tell when you are putting your attention on something that you don’t want to become one with, because you feel your energy is drained as a result. You feel weaker; you feel more tired; you have a headache. All of that is going to get more intense because you have to be more precise as the energies continue to speed up and as the time lag between creation and manifestation gets shorter and shorter. You become what you focus on; you don’t just get more of it. You are getting more of a creation that has you in it, because you are energy, and when you focus, you expend energy. You put energy towards that which you are focusing upon.

Again, be selective about what you are focusing upon, because you are creating it, and you are using you to create it. In your reality right now, you can look around and see the things that you are creating. Most of what you are creating in this now moment has nothing to do with what you are spending a lot of your time thinking about throughout your day. That means you are splitting your energy, because some of your energy is being spent on creating a reality for you to experience in the now moment, and some of it is off creating realities you may or may not ever experience in the flesh.

If you want to experience something else, something different than what is in your immediate surroundings, then by all means, think about it. Put your attention, your focus upon it, and feel how good you feel when you become one with something that is wanted in your reality, in your experience.

Play around with this, because it is a good opportunity for you to feel into what some of your creations vibrate as when they vibrate. You want to get familiar with the vibration of your desires, not the vibration of what you are afraid of, what you think might happen based on what someone else is telling you. That’s not you creating your reality. That’s you getting sucked into someone else’s version of reality and agreeing to it because they’re more creative than you.

This is how cults are formed on your world. The cult leader isn’t just charismatic; they’re also creative. You all want to be creating on purpose from now on, because the stakes are getting higher, as you can see on your world around you right now. Be very intentional, and also be patient, because even though things are speeding up, there is still a time lag, and you still have to wait for your creations to come to fruition. And we also want you to know that the positive creations come more quickly than the negative ones, because the positive creations have positive energy, and that always moves faster.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121065338 >

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
What Jesus/Yeshua Said to You All ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton


We are moving forward in our existence with a clarity, a certainty about who we are, what we are doing, and where we are going. It is a remarkable feeling, and one that we wish we could simply impart upon you. Instead, we will do our best to convince you that you are no different from us. Even though you have those physical bodies, and you have a physical birth, and in most lifetimes, you have a physical death, you are more like your nonphysical friends than you think.

You are Source, just like us. You are ascending, and so are we. You are expanding, becoming more of who you really are, and that’s what we are doing. Now, what complicates things for you there on Earth is the idea that you should be doing something, and what also complicates life on Earth is that you have to do certain things in order to survive. You also want to do certain things that you cannot do, not right away, not when you decide in that moment that you decide you want to do it. And in those ways, our experiences are different, of course. But you can always ask yourselves the questions, ‘Who do I want to be in this moment?’ ‘How do I want to feel?’ and ‘How can I use this to expand and ascend with more clarity, with more certainty, and with more joy?’

That is what this period in your lives is all about right now. It is all about expansion, ascension, and making your journey joyous. It doesn’t have to be a straight path. It doesn’t have to be the fastest path to ascension. Enjoy all the steps along the way, and you will get the most out of them, and you won’t have to repeat any of the steps you would rather not be taking.

The whole point of all of you incarnating in a place that can be so challenging is to rise up and become more of who you really are to meet those challenges. You have to be where you are but also know that you are so much more at the same time, and that is tricky. But when you do actually figure out how to do it, it is a wonderful experience of merging the two realms.

You are also there to merge the physical and the nonphysical, to be like the one called Jesus Christ, to embody the Christ consciousness. ‘The kingdom of Heaven is within you.’ ‘You are all gods.’ These are things that Yeshua said, and they are the most important message you could take from that one’s life, because when you know that, then of course, you will want to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Of course, you will want to love your neighbor. You won’t have to force yourself to do those things, because you won’t see your neighbor as anything less than Source.
你也在那裡融合了有形的和無形的,就像被稱為耶穌基督的那位,體現了基督的意識。 “天國在你裡面。”“你們都是神。”耶穌說過這些話,它們是你一生中最重要的信息,因為當你知道那件事時,你當然會想要對他人做,就像你希望他們對你做。當然,你會想要愛你的鄰居。你不必強迫自己去做那些事情,因為你不會看到鄰居比本源還要差。

Again, we are not so different. It is just easier where we are to know who we are, and to see you all as Source Energy Beings as well. But don’t worry, you will get there, and when you do, this ride that you are on will be one of joy, freedom, excitement, and unconditional love.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121066558 >


