

0:00 影片開頭 0:36 《1》水晶王國-過你想要的生活(20210526) 7:06 《2》造物能量-喜悅的探索(20210526) #Carina #BrendaHoffman #NickChan

譯者:Nick Chan

dear Lightworkers, dear people on earth.
There is a wealth of information that wants to come down to you now and in order to receive it you need to open your hearts and be aware that YOU are the only creator of your life. The information for each of you is unique as you are all in different places within yourself. The recent great cleansing of the dark system within yourself has now given way to insights and truths that only have to do with yourself. Messages like these are channeled down to you through human channels that are all on their own unique journey within themselves and we want you to feel what is in harmony with yourself and make wise choices of what you take in as truth in your system.
In the New Age, there is no other God but yourself. In the New Age, each of you is a unique creator of your own reality. You bear all the responsibility for yourself and you have all the power to change your life without asking anyone else, without demonstrating or informing anyone else about the choices you want to make. Just do them! Your inner perceptions control your own outer world and when you feel that you can accept it, you have reached the end of the road by feeling directed and controlled by others or by a system that does not exist if you do not believe in
Upgrading your energy to higher frequencies means that you become more aware that it is you who have chosen to come down to earth as a Helper by turning down your higher consciousness to a lower frequency. The image you have today of yourself, the earth and the life that goes on here, is a direct reflection of your own inner perception. This means that you do not have to energy into changing your external existence, but can easily and simply change it by searching for the truth and the answers within yourself.
Every person's perception of reality is unique. The great cleansing work you have done with yourself in the last few weeks has been perceived by many as a struggle against external dangels, horrors and situations, but we tell you that these cleansings only had to do with yourself. You have all been part of the dark system on earth and your mission now is to regain yourself and your own light, your own higher consciousness.
You have done an outstanding job and we are very proud of you. You are the bravest of the bravest who have given your consent to lower your frequencies, to separate yourself from yourself and participate in this unique mission. The trials of recent weeks have been very tough for you and we want to thank you again for the work you do with yourself. You come back with great power and determination and retake yourself, which means that you help yourself and mankind to REMEMBER.
You who incarnated directly from the higher dimensions have come to earth to help mankind to remember LOVE. In order to be able to carry out your mission in full, you have had to first cut the bands with yourself and then look back to your own light, fix the bands. During your journey back to yourself, many things have been difficult for you. You have memories of the higher dimensions and have a hard time finding meaning in your life on earth. But we ask you to remember that you came here to teach LOVE and that the separation you made from yourself has only been temporary.
You have come here to help people remember their own light and that the way back to the light goes through themselves and the darkness that they previously created. You never have any responsibility for the choices that other people make and you never have any reason to judge someone else for the choices they make. You must show the way by walking it yourself first. You must show the way by remembering that darkness is a part of the Universe that is not dangerous in itself but that everyone must learn to master in order to find their way back to their own light.
Remember that every human being on earth is your sister or brother. Remember that they have cut the ties to their own divinity and that they are lost souls on a very frightening journey. Remember that everyone is of light because light in truth is the only thing that exists but that light needs a strong contrast in the form of darkness to be seen, to be perceived, I exist.
Allow yourselves to enjoy your journey on earth. Do not force yourself to make choices that feel wrong to yourself just because someone said it is wrong to do or think so and so if, for example, you call yourself spiritual. It IS okay to have human desires, it IS okay to enjoy things that are not classified as correct by the fabricated norms of others and it IS okay to like things that others think are wrong.
THERE IS NOTHING ON EARTH THAT IS NOT SPIRITUAL. How could something on earth be wrong? God is everything, is this not what we have said. Light cannot exist without darkness, is that not what we said? Experience what you WANT to experience in your heart by doing so, you will automatically want to seek your way back to the Light, your home in yourself. Show others that you love yourself enough to make the best decisions for yourself even if others do not agree with your choices. By doing so, you show that others can do the same, even if these choices look completely different to them than to you.
We are with you all and we encourage you to be YOU. We help you when you ask us.
We love you in a way you cannot yet understand - without conditions, without demands and we never judge you regardless of your choices. Live the life you want to live and you will find the light within yourself, your ultimate goal on earth.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >

傳導作者:Brenda Hoffman
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Ones,
Many of you are discovering new interests or strengths, not necessarily because you want to, but because circumstances force you to do so.
That last statement will frighten many, for 3D fears are highlighted with earth changes. The changes we, of the Universes, speak of have more to do with your perceptions than the 3D promoted fear of change.
Many of you respond that buying a home, pregnancy, or a new job is filled with joy. Such was only true in 3D to a certain extent. Even though the event might have been joyous, your 3D world made certain your joy was tinged with fear. “What if I can’t afford the house payments?” “What if I don’t like being a mother or father?” What if, what if, what if.
Your new you changes will initially continue your fears because you have been taught to feel or project fear despite the joy attached to an activity. It will take a while for you to fully accept that change has always been part of your Universal life and always will be.
Now that you no longer depend on others telling you what you could or should feel, your joys will soon no longer be tinged with fear.
Once you accept your true being, your Universal power, there is no need to fear anything. Even though that last statement likely seems too good to be true now, that is how you are evolving.
Before your transition, you accepted the fears of your friends, community, and ancestors via your DNA, discussions, or reading materials. Fear touched every aspect of your life – covering your 3D joy with a layer of fear.
Once you declare sovereignty over your being, your fears will dissipate, for it will no longer matter what others think of you or the limitations you might have once believed about yourself.
You can no longer make mistakes, because you will not be interested in actions that do not expand your being. Even though such was always true, your society trained you to believe otherwise. The difference now is your command of yourself.
Perhaps you are contemplating a change of your community, school, or a relationship. In the past, you were trained to believe you might make a mistake, that you did not have all the information, that only those wiser and better than you could provide the assurance you required.
New you does not care if an action does not turn out as you originally wished for you will merely flit to a new activity. You are no longer limited in scope or action – something you have never experienced while of the earth.
Will you make mistakes? Maybe. But those mistakes will no longer be mistakes but instead learning experiences. For your Universal being is most comfortable flitting from action to action. And reporting the results to any who wishes to know why and what happened.
In 3D, your actions were most often based on social shoulds, so you often selected incorrectly to continue the image you wished to project within that society. Perhaps marrying the wrong person or staying in a relationship or job to appease your parents or community. Or having children even though you never pined for children. So many actions performed because of shoulds instead of wants or curiosity.
Now that you no longer need to report to anyone in your circle, community, or family – unless you want to – you are free to flit from one activity to another. And you are encouraged to do so by your new segments and interests.
You are free to roam, remain stationary, or select or not select.
At the beginning of your flitting, you might question your interest or need. But by the time you allow yourself to be fully enmeshed in your new being, you will discover a freedom that is difficult to put into words.
There will no longer be that little voice asking you if you made or are making a mistake. Your inner voice will merely rejoice in your new freedoms. For you would not be interested in a particular action unless you were called to do so by your inner voice. Your voice of self-love and action.
You are truly new. Allow new you to permeate your decision processes. Then allow yourself to explore without worrying about the outcome – what others will think or that you might fail.
Any action you take now will be about exploration and fun. Fear is no longer your primary goal or need. Your exploration of joy is. So be it. Amen.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >


