

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》拆除社會的控制系統 (20210419)
《2》首次公開接觸即將到來 (20210420)
#DanielScranton #Amber

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

Dismantling Society’s Systems of Control ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council.
We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are familiarizing ourselves with the systems that you have there on Earth, systems that were designed to maintain order. You set up these systems at a time when there was much more chaos on your world than there is today. Today what you have are the last remnants of a more uncivilized time, a more barbaric society, and you have the same tools in place to protect yourselves from disorder, from chaos, and from barbarians. In reality, you do not need as much order and control as you have there on your world.

You have evolved past needing as much oversight of your daily lives, and yet, you are more exposed than ever in terms of who you are, what you believe in, what you buy, who you just spent several hours with, and so on, than ever before in human history. What does this mean to the average person who is awake? Does this mean that you must dismantle the systems of control? Does this mean that you must become an anarchist, or should you just realize that the people who have been in control are tightening their grip, and they will not be able to maintain that tightened grip forever. They will not be able to maintain it for much longer, in fact.

You don’t have to worry nearly as much, or at all, about these people who are in positions of power and their desire to exert more control over you because all of that is coming to an end, and you are seeing the final attempts to dictate more control over you. You can interpret this transmission however you like. We know that some of you are going to interpret it in a particular way, and that is alright with us, because no matter what you think we are referring to, you have some loosening up to do.

It serves every single one of you who feels oppressed to throw off the shackles that you have placed on yourselves by believing that someone has more power over you and your life than you do. You just have to keep tending to your own garden. You just have to pay so close attention to your own vibration that nothing could ever convince you that you should lower it. You have to let go of the victim/perpetrator, oppressed/oppressor, enslaved/enslaver model. If you cling to it and you continue to play into that mindset, you will perpetuate it for longer than it need be on your world.

The systems that are in place, that are meant to control, are dismantling from within, and the reason for that dismantling is the higher-vibrational energies that are upon you. It will not be because someone staged a revolution. It will be because enough of you maintained a high enough vibration to ground in those higher-frequency energies to continue the work of raising the level of consciousness there on Earth.

Your collective’s level of consciousness will always be reflected back to you in your governments, in your corporations, in your banks, in your militaries, in every aspect of life. So, the easiest way for you to have the biggest impact on the world right now is to tend to your own vibration and let the dismantling continue on its own, that is our recommendation, and we have your best interests at heart, always.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

First Open Contact is Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are finding ourselves more and more significantly involved in a movement amongst all of the other beings throughout this galaxy to put Earth on the fast track for full, open contact, a mass landing of ships. We know that many human beings are not ready for that experience, but we also know that they can and will come around after a while, after the shock and fear are processed. We also know that the best candidates for first contact with humanity would be extra-terrestrial beings who looked a lot like you, and there are plenty of those e.t.s around.

There are plenty of e.t.s who want to land and share their insights on what’s going on there on Earth at this time. You have spiritual teachers all across your world, most of which don’t get a lot of attention from the masses. But if you had e.t.s walking off of spaceships to be your spiritual teachers, we know that human beings would pay attention. We also know that the e.t.s in question would be making a lot of sense. They would appeal to your logical minds and to your feeling senses, as you would of course want to use your ability to discern in order to determine whether or not they had your best interests at heart.

Now, we know that this will all happen eventually, and we can just see the appropriateness of it happening sooner rather than later. Most people don’t know what to think, what to believe, whom to put their faith in, and we are talking about all kinds of people there on your world who have been leaders to humanity in the past but now who are being held in question as to whether their motives are sound.
And because people are losing faith in what they once believed in at such a rapid rate, something or someone needs to step up and fill that void. This is why we are always encouraging you all to be the leaders and teachers of humanity, but as we said, it can be difficult to get people to listen to you when you seem no different than the other humans that they have lost faith in not too long ago.

One of the reasons why we knew that we would get so much attention from humanity is because we are from another star system and another dimension. We knew that people would pay more attention to us because of that, and most people who do receive us do in fact benefit from what we are offering. Those of you who have opened yourselves up to us receive more than just information. You receive more than just predictions about what may happen in the future. You receive the energetic transmission that we give off that helps to elevate your consciousness. So imagine what that would be like if you were to be sitting in a stadium filled with other humans, listening to physical e.t.s, fourth-dimensional beings, who could offer their suggestions.

Imagine how much energy could be transmitted and absorbed at one of those gatherings, and there would be many happening simultaneously. That is why we are advocating for first open contact to come sooner than later. It is because we have seen how well you all receive us, and we know that many others there on Earth are ready to receive physical e.t.s and their wisdom and knowledge. More importantly, you would be receiving their high-frequency vibration, and that is something you need to give more of your attention to at all times. Focus on what is high vibrational, and you will be seen as ready for your fourth-dimensional e.t. friends.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
我們是大角星委員會,我們很高興與你建立聯繫。” 謝謝收聽!感恩祝福!


