

《1》光的力量加速行動 (20210411)
《2》進展與準備 (20210418)
《3》朝著正確的方向前進 (20210426)
#pfcchina #MikeQuinsey

邁克•昆西(Mike Quinsey)的高我信息;

More than once recently the Light has been in a position to take control over the dark Ones,only to be confronted with threats of carrying out atrocities on such a scale that thousands of lives could have been lost.But in conceding to them it has not stopped the plan that is still taking shape to weaken their power base.


Furthermore the arrests of Illuminati members continues at a fast pace,and there will be no let up until their web of negativity is destroyed to allow peace to descend upon Earth.


The Covid19 lockdown has created an opportunity for the Forces of Light to speed up actions being taken with record results in apprehending Illuminati members.Be assured that the Light continues to be the dominant force and is winning the battle for the freedom of the people of Earth.

Covid 9號封鎖為光明力量創造了一個機會,以加快行動的速度,並在逮捕光明會成員方面取得了創紀錄的成果。請放心,"光"將繼續成為主導力量,並且正在贏得為地球人民的自由而戰的勝利。

Dear Ones,you are on the road to success as the plans of the dark Ones to achieve their objective have failed.In consequence the trillions of dollars spent on making a virus to spread their evil intent to kill millions of people has failed.It is why the virus does not have the potency intended or the ultimate aim for total control of the world's population.


There is of course a cost to be paid but it is miniscule compared to what it might have been.Your experiences have made you strong and many are ready to take their place in the higher vibrations.It gives them the experience needed to help other souls on their journey,so that those who feel ready to advance to the higher dimensions are given every opportunity to do so.However,no one is left behind without help and those who are still awakening to the truth are being led to give them the experience they need to rise up.


All souls on Earth at this time have been selected for the benefits that the experience will give them.It will speed up their evolution and avoid the necessity for many more lives on Earth.We know how tough it is to experience the negativity that comes with duality,but it is a quick way to face the challenges that will propel you forward.


It is an opportunity too good to miss and we will do our best to help you successfully get through it.Few souls realise how much outside help is given to you on Earth,meaning that you are given as much help that you need to ascend.Those who cannot make it this time around will get another chance with the greater possibility that they will make it with our help.After all,providing you learn from your experiences there is absolutely no reason why you should not be successful.


You have successfully come through the last Solar Cycle which is why this period is one of opportunity to carry on going forwards.It is also why it has attracted so much attention as it is such a special occasion resulting in Ascension on a mass level.


Clearly not every soul is ready for it and the experience at this time is bound to help you expand your level of consciousness.It is the key to your continued evolution and the opportunity to become a Galactic Being.It is your destiny and something to greatly look forward to that will leave the negative energies behind never again to interfere with your evolution such as they have done previously.


Please remember to focus upon all that is positive,so as to avoid giving power to the dark Ones by becoming involved with negative energies that they thrive upon.Can you not see that all of their actions are calculated to cause negativity that feeds their needs,so keep calm in all circumstances and do not be drawn into arguments or disputes that might cause you to lose control of your feelings.We know it is hard if you have been used to letting loose when goaded or pressurised by being taunted and abused.You can do it and it may take practise so do not give up if at first you do not succeed..


The dark Ones gambled on Covid19 as a last major attempt to control the world population,but have failed due to Man's progress by becoming more of Light Beings.It enabled and allowed the Higher Forces to intervene on your behalf,thus reducing its effects that were intended to wipe out millions of you.

黑暗勢力在 Covid19上賭博,作為控制世界人口的最後一次重大嘗試,但是由於人類的進步而失敗了,他們變成了更多的光之存有。它使得並且允許更高的力量代表你們進行干預,從而減少了它的影響,而這些影響本來是要消滅數百萬你們的。

They will never get another opportunity of that magnitude and now face a humiliating defeat.The net is drawing closer to their minions who have no way of escaping justice for their crimes against Humanity.Be assured that their dreams of world control lie in tatters and there is no chance whatsoever of them being able to avoid justice.


Many souls still have one foot in the past and we say the sooner you forget it the quicker the New Age will come about.All of the good things you have been promised are on the horizon and you have much to look forward to that will greatly lift your quality of life.At such times many highly evolved souls enter your world with the task of raising your quality of life to levels that you have yet to experience.


The drudgery and demands upon you in the lower vibrations are slowly being changed so that you are prepared for greater things that will give you enormous satisfaction and joy.Realise that the Light always wins in the end and all souls are all the greater for it.It is a way of preparing you for your future by raising your vibrations.It cannot be fairer as only those who have"qualified"can lift up through their success in achieving a higher level.


After a period of apparent stagnation you will find that matters will advance very quickly and many that have been held back will be released.You have much lost time to make up and changes will come so quickly you will hardly have time to take it all in.


Life will change in such a way that a whole new vista will open up before you,enabling you to expand your consciousness so that you are literally a new person.You have been but a mere shadow of your true self that took on the challenge to experience the lower vibrations,yet so many have come through that[that they]can leave the old ways behind forever.We say well done and you deserve every reward that comes your way.


The most exciting times are coming when you shall meet souls from your background who have known you for eons of time and celebrations will be in order.Old friendships will be renewed and your Galactic family will be present.


It is all coming so forget the unpleasant times and difficulties of the past and leave them there.Start thinking of how it will be in the future and it should bring you much joy and happiness.Keep your spirits high and leave those who dwell in darkness to a life of their own making.


I leave you with love and blessings,and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.


In Love and Light.


Mike Quinsey.


邁克•昆西(Mike Quinsey)的高我信息;

The stranglehold that the Illuminati have had on you is slowly but surely being broken,and so much is waiting to be revealed that will propel you into the New Age.


Progress is slow yet all of the time preparations are being made to release information that will prepare you for the changes that are to come.


There is so much that needs to be done to lift up the quality of your lives so that your future experiences leave you feeling happy and satisfied.For a long time subtle changes have been taking place to lay down the bedrock of your future,so that you can enjoy life without the intrusion of the various plots hatched by the dark Ones.


Nearly all wars of recent times have been brought about by the dark Ones to keep you in a state of fear and uncertainty.However,the Forces of Light have also been busy and are well on the way to successfully removing the enemies who have wished to annihilate you.


Their mind set is such that they are even prepared to die for their cause,it reveals how dangerous they are to humanity.However,do not allow their presence and activities to alarm you as they thrive on your energies of fear.Like all souls that lack the Light they are not at ease in the presence of it.


Many other civilisations are keenly interested to see how you come out of the present period of so much unrest and turmoil,because they are aware of the sacrifices being made to overcome the problems that exist.It is quite involved and at best you learn very few truths about what is happening without your knowledge.


It is best it happens that way as you already have enough to worry about.The more you can put distance between yourselves and the dark Ones,the better you will serve the Light.You must stay calm and keep focussing upon all that is pure and of a high vibration.By doing so,you are keeping your feet firmly on the path to Ascension.


In your many,many incarnations,you have lived in all major countries and have a wealth of experience that you can now put to good use.It means that subconsciously you have a knowing about other lifestyles and religious beliefs that helps you understand and accept them.


All religious paths lead to God or whatever figurehead some worship.It is a learning process and when you are ready to"Move On"you will be encouraged or directed to the next stage in your development.For some it means another life when you can follow your intuition as a guide to what you need to further your evolution.


In all matters you get guidance yet the final outcome is down to you and your freewill choice.However,it is sometimes necessary to override it if you are faced with a"One Off"choice that affects your future life plan.


Much is already decided before you reincarnate and you are born with an inner urge to follow a certain path.In other words nothing that has an important place in your life happens by chance.However,you do have your say when decisions are made affecting your life experiences,but in seeing your life plan you are more than likely to accept it.


We have often made the point that some souls have their life plan charted for them when they do not have the ability to do so themselves.In general terms you would be surprised how closely your evolution is followed and how much help is given you.


What you may call coincidences when something of importance in your life has depended on a"chance"happening is almost certainly a special arrangement for you.It is often for example where you have avoided a serious accident that was probably life threatening and would have caused changes in your life plan.(1)


In your religious writings you will sometimes find a reference to people of the distant past who lived for hundreds of years.It seems unbelievable in view of the short period that you live at present,yet it is true and not all that far into the future you will experience much longer lives again.


It comes with the increases in the vibrations and it means that you will obviously have a body that can last a very long period of time because it continually renews itself.By comparison to merely a few thousand years ago you are now gradually extending your period of life.Obviously the standard of health then had an immense bearing on it but in general people lived shorter lives.


The bonus of living in the higher dimensions is permanent good health and a power of thought that can conjure up virtually anything you need.So living in the higher dimensions gives you unlimited freedom to go where you wish and to have all of your needs provided instantly.


It bears little if any resemblance to what you are used to on Earth.In fact the Earth is an open prison where you meet all types of people who are in the main still in their early stages of evolution.It takes them a long time to wake up to their true self,and it is difficult for them to raise their vibrations which is what you have to do if ever you want to evolve and eventually rise up.


As Man ascends so the next civilisation is reaching a point where humans were a long time ago,and ready to experience severe testing similar to the Human experience.At whatever level you are in the emphasis is on evolution and you will strive for it,because you are motivated from within.(2)


It is an urge that keeps you going on a quest looking for the answers to evolution and what you need to do to progress.Help is always on hand particularly from the Angelic Realm.Evolution is the answer to everything(3)and your life plans are accordingly arranged so that you can get onto the right path.


Great things lie ahead and we ask you to have patience as all will come out right in the end.It would be a rare occasion if a soul failed to reach a level that would lead to Ascension.So never give up as there is every help given to ensure you can ascend.


I leave you with love and blessings,and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.


In Love and Light.


Mike Quinsey.


邁克•昆西(Mike Quinsey)的高我信息;

Everything is moving in the right direction as life is beginning to return to some resemblance to what you would call normal.Yet the Covid19 virus has caused you to make many changes so much so that you will never return to exactly how you previously lived.

一切都在朝著正確的方向前進,因為生活開始回歸到你們所謂的正常狀態。然而 Covid19病毒已經讓你做出了如此多的改變,以至於你永遠不會回到你以前的生活方式。

The lockdown has shown you where you can improve your quality of life and already changes are taking place.You have realised that small is beautiful and more suited to your needs.It is why some of the massive companies have downsized after finding that some of their set-ups have proved too large to continue and have since been closed.


Such changes are here to stay along with some that have caused you to alter the way that you have been trading.Even now you are involved in establishing new ways of working,none much bigger than the trend towards home deliveries.


The down side is the introduction of more controls over the people that seem unnecessarily extensive and over powering.No doubt however,the people are much more aware these days and will not accept more controls unless they are seen to be absolutely justified.Some would of course have been introduced on a temporary basis and as life becomes easier will be slowly withdrawn.


People have learned a lot about themselves through having closer relationships for much longer periods than previously.They have realised that far too much time has been spent on earning a living at the expense of personal relationships.It is yet another area where changes are inevitable so that people have more time for their personal needs.


Part time working is favoured but not all operations can work that way and clearly there will always be exceptions.Working from home does not suit everyone but it is here to stay.All these things are so to say in the"melting pot"and it remains to be seen how companies re-act to these types of changes.


You are seeing changes in people's eating habits and this is yet another result of the lockdowns.Until business returns to what you would call normal the outcome of your experiences still remains to be seen.We see the continuing trend of women coming more into jobs that normally would be done by men and so it shall continue.


These sort of changes come and go all of the time,and they indicate the influence of each new generation.Pre-selection also plays a part when humanity's future is planned in advance with a view to establishing the coming of new ideas and trends that are needed to continue your evolutionary advancement.


You could of course take the late Tesla,an inventor,as an example who had a remarkable memory and ability to see what mankind needed to advance its future,and patented an enormous number of inventions that could bring a great advancement in your evolution if they were taken up.Some have already helped your progress such as the electric car and more are to come.He was responsible for a great number of other futuristic inventions that could have benefited humanity but for the interference of the Illuminati.


However,nothing can completely stop your progress as you must advance to be ready for greater things that will come with the higher vibrations,regardless of any attempts to hold them back.Higher powers are at work to fulfil the plans for Man's future that have already been decreed.


This period of time was destined to be a prelude to what you may call your coming of age,and the first stages of your path to becoming Galactic Beings.It has always been your destiny and has approached fulfilment because you passed the marker of 2012.It has been no mean task to carry you forward in such a way as to ensure that changes necessary for your progress take place.


You may wonder how much can be achieved considering the present state of affairs.Be assured however that all proceeds well and the greater picture will suddenly become clear.Everything is in place to carry you forwards and indications of what is to come will soon show themselves.


You have been living in what you might call a dreamland yet it has served you well allowing evolution at a pace that you could accept.The future is not necessarily set in stone,it is flexible yet it will still keep you on a path that will lead to your ultimate goal and destiny.You clearly cannot be left to one of your own making and there will always be suitable influences from your Galactic Family.


You are just coming out of a tough period of learning how things were and how much better they can be,and you are ready to change to another path that leads to the peaceful existence that you seek.The times of confrontation and wars are ending and at last you will recognise that there is only one way to achieve world peace and that is through friendship and cooperation,and not least of all a sharing of the world's gifts to man.


For too long the wealth of the world has been in the hands of too few people,who have served self,monopolised and fixed the money markets to their benefit.The wealth of the world will be used to benefit all people without exception.


With the world's weather changes affecting all living life,some of you may wonder what will happen to the different animal species.Some are very adaptable and in little time can adjust to keep their species alive.Some will naturally become extinct as has happened many times in the past,but can be reintroduced if necessary and this has happened in your time when a species thought to be extinct has suddenly reappeared again.


Man has played a role in helping wild animals to be tamed,and as they are domesticated they become individual souls rather than returning to a group soul.

I leave you with love and blessings,and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.


In Love and Light.


Mike Quinsey.


背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


