
【James Gilliland】20210311為什麼我們沒有接觸;關於 古文明、治癒技術、UFO團體、撒旦及路西法的暴君

傳導作者:詹姆斯•吉利蘭德(James Gilliland)

When we say we don't have contact we have to qualify contact.There has been contact since the beginning of humanity,civilizations have come and gone often due to the influence of imbalances and power struggles within their societies.Some perished,some continued having to start over as primitives,some continued to evolve spiritually and technologically.Those who have continued to evolve spiritually went back to the stars,the original colonies,"civilizations"came from the stars.

當我們說我們沒有接觸,我們必須限定接觸。自從人類開始以來就有了聯繫,由於社會內部的不平衡和權力鬥爭的影響,文明經常來來去去。 有些人滅亡了,有些人不得不作為原始人重新開始,有些人繼續在精神上和技術上進化。那些在精神上繼續進化的人回到了星球,最初的殖民地,"文明"來自於星球。

Now we are going to have to play how big is your God.Were there advanced civilizations on Earth in the past?Could the bearded gods of old be the leaders of these ancient lost worlds?Who were the Greek gods,the Egyptian gods,the gods and goddesses of ancient history?Are there other civilizations from the stars thousands,millions even billions of years older than us and would they be referred to by primitive people as gods?Who or what created them?Is God Male/Female androgenous a blend of both existing beyond the need for physicality or polarity?There are some that refer to God as the void,nothingness,empty space,impersonal.Others say the Creator is personal omnipresent within all Creation the wellspring of all light,sound and vibration.The original Lords Prayer in Aramaic attests to this.What if everyone was right according to their level of awareness.What if God could not be capsulized in words or images,even the sacred texts?Limited as it may be what if God was the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse?Beyond intergalactic even interdimensional?The vastness of Creation is as large as our knowledge,our ability to expand in awareness.How much of Creation can we allow to be a part of our reality?This is the core issue concerning contact.


Not all creation is alike,there are different intentions,cultures and ways as above so below.Some beings are rather bizarre looking yet are very enlightened with good intentions,some may look beautiful by our standards and be self-serving,have negative intentions.How can you tell who is who and how will you react to beings completely outside your box?Will you react with fear,aggression,worship them as Gods?All three are inappropriate behavior.How will our leaders greet them?See them as a threat,try to get technology from them at any cost?How about your military,will they stand down and open a peaceful dialog?How many of your leaders live according to Universal Law?How many take the moral high ground?How would the press react,what spin would they put on it?How would the war and disease profiteers react to a power so far beyond theirs war would be obsolete?How would big pharma,the hospitals react to energetic healing,technologies that would actually heal without the use of drugs?What would the coal and oil industries do when technology is made available to provide all of our energy and transportation needs fuellessly.What would religions do when they find out the external gods they perpetuate were advanced beings,not Gods who behaved both positive and negative throughout history and there is no middle man/woman necessary to make one's own personal connection?What if these amazing beings exist in the unified field within which we all exist only they have more access to it?

不是所有的創造都是一樣的,有不同的意圖,文化和方式,如上所述,如下。 有些人看起來相當怪異,但卻非常開明,心懷善意,有些人可能以我們的標準看起來很漂亮,而且自私自利,有著消極的意圖。你怎麼知道誰是誰,以及你將如何反應完全脫離你的盒子的生物?你會以恐懼、侵略作為反應,把他們當作神來崇拜嗎?這三種行為都是不恰當的。我們的領導將如何迎接他們?將他們視為威脅,不惜一切代價從他們那裡獲取技術?那麼你的軍隊呢,他們會退出並開啟和平對話嗎?你們有多少領導人遵循普世法則?有多少人站在道德制高點?媒體會怎麼反應,他們會怎麼炒作?戰爭和疾病牟取暴利者如何應對一個遠遠超出他們戰爭範圍的過時力量?大型製藥公司、醫院如何應對精力充沛的醫療技術,這些不需要使用藥物就能治癒的技術?當技術可以無動力地提供我們所有的能源和交通需求時,煤炭和石油工業會做什麼。當宗教發現他們所延續的外在神靈是先進的存在,而不是在整個歷史中表現積極和消極的神靈,並且沒有必要的中間人/女人來建立自己的個人聯繫時,他們會怎麼做?如果這些神奇的存在存在於我們所有人都存在的統一領域中,只有他們才有更多的機會接近它,那會怎麼樣?

The big thousand dollar question is who would these spiritually and technologically advanced beings contact?Who on Earth has the spiritual awareness and moral compass necessary to interact with these beings?Who in your governments,your business and religions institutions?Who as their prime directive would do what is best for humanity and the Earth without personal motive?Now do you understand why spiritually and technologically advanced beings avoid contact with the masses and the majority of leadership on Earth?


The spiritual awareness is absent in in most cases the moral compasses are broken.This brings us to the UFO community.Did you know many in the UFO community are working arm and arm,being financed by the global elite participating in a controlled narrative?Many have close ties to Satanic/Luciferian groups who do despicable acts to children.Yet these very same people are the go to people,they get all the press,they are the top of the ladder in the UFO community.Do you think they have the spiritual awareness and moral compass for contact with spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders,ancient ancestors returning?They are sponsored by the Satanic/Luciferian tyrants that have impoverished and enslaved humanity for thousands of years?The war and disease profiteers whose motto is keep them sick,poor and stupid.What can you expect from these people other than a controlled narrative,disinformation?Who do they owe their allegiance too?Will the masses ever have contact under the present circumstances?No.Will those who are striving to expand in awareness,aligned with service to others and of good moral compass have contact.Yes,but not by following those who don't.

在大多數情況下,精神意識缺失,道德羅盤被打破。這就把我們帶到了 UFO 群體。 你知道不明飛行物群體中的許多人正在全力以赴地工作,由參與控制敘事的全球精英提供資金支持嗎?許多人與撒旦/路西法組織有密切聯繫,這些組織對兒童做出卑鄙的行為。然而,這些同樣的人是走向人們,他們得到了所有的媒體,他們是在不明飛行物社區的階梯的頂端。你認為他們有精神意識和道德指南針去接觸那些精神和技術先進的外星人,古老的祖先回來了嗎?他們是由撒旦/路西法的暴君贊助的,這些暴君使人類貧困和奴役了數千年?戰爭和疾病奸商的座右銘是讓他們生病,貧窮和愚蠢。你還能從這些人身上期待什麼,除了一個被控制的故事,虛假信息?他們也應該效忠誰呢?在這種情況下群眾還會有接觸嗎?不會。那些努力拓展自我意識、為他人服務以及有良好道德指南針的人們是否會有所接觸。是的,但不是通過跟隨那些沒有聯繫的人。

It was once said Universal Peace shall not come through governments or religions but through the hearts and minds of the people.It is the same with contacting spiritually advanced beings.They operate according to Universal Law.We have to rise to the occasion.Not fall for the hype of Hollywood and the controlled narrative.It takes an open mind,loving heart and pure intent especially when it comes to working with these amazing beings.Sad to say most institutions fall short.Even the UFO community does not have its priorities in order,fame and making a buck is not the proper motive.There is however contact with beings of a lessor nature which sad to say many knowingly and some in ignorance have opened the doors.By their actions,associations,and frequency you will know them.Just because you are dead does not mean you are enlightened.Just because you are an ET does not mean you are benevolent.It is the height of ignorance,irresponsibility and dangerous to open the door to any unseen entity without creating sacred space.The mind in which you seek is the mind in which you will contact.This is the same with leaders of ill intent lacking discernment and moral compass leading those who are gullible in the downward spiral.

人們曾經說過,世界和平不應通過政府或宗教實現,而應通過人民的心靈和思想實現。這同樣適用於與精神上先進的人聯繫。他們按照宇宙法則運作。我們必須應對這種情況。不要被好萊塢的大肆宣傳和被控制的敘事所迷惑。它需要一個開放的思想,愛的心和純粹的意圖,特別是當它涉及到與這些令人驚奇的存在合作。很遺憾,大多數機構都做不到這一點。即使是 UFO 團體也沒有自己的優先順序,出名和賺錢並不是合適的動機。然而,與一些低等生物的接觸令人傷心地說,許多人是有意識的,有些人是無知的,他們打開了大門。通過他們的行為、聯想和頻率,你會瞭解他們。僅僅因為你已經死了,並不意味著你已經開悟了。僅僅因為你是外星人並不意味著你是仁慈的。打開任何看不見的實體的大門,卻不創造神聖的空間,這是無知、不負責任和危險的極致。你尋找的心靈就是你將要接觸的心靈。這同樣適用於缺乏洞察力和道德指南針的惡意領導者,他們領導著那些在惡性循環中容易受騙的人。

Now you know why the masses have not had contact.If you are going to go on this journey,do it right.The key is not in following,it is in personal empowerment.It is developing your own inner sensitivity to discern who is who and what is right for you.


Be well,the heavens are waiting.


James Gilliland



