
【織女星的Ivo】凌駕於其他系統之上的力量;關於 回顧一下什麼是超越他人的力量系統,這裡有一些例子說明這個系統對其他系統的影響:

傳導作者:Sharon Stewart

Since we're on the subject of the dark ones,creating Loosh and energy vampires,we'll do a review of what the power over others system is.For starters,the power over others system is the opposite of the power over self,or self mastery system,in which the authentic,self empowered person retains control over all decisions pertaining to self in their life and allows others to do the same without undue interference.Any interference in others'lives is often carried out because of fear,by the way and the biggest fear is loss of control.


I was saying in the last video,Loosh 4,that it's important that the lightworker stay the course and maintain control of their path in life for the sake of completing their life's work,using of course the internalized system of checks and balances that comes from having contact with one's guides and higher self.Until you do have conscious contact,you are at risk of allowing your path in life to be dominated by others'agendas,rules and plans for you,subject to falling victim to ego games and/or indulging in the same yourself.This is because people are raised to have an externalized locus of control instead of an internalized one which means that you learn to allow others to control you rather than learning to master yourself.

我在最後一個視頻中說到,Loosh 4,光之工作者為了完成他們的生活工作,堅持走自己的路線並保持對他們生活道路的控制是很重要的,當然要使用內化的制衡系統,這種制衡系統來自於與指導者和更高的自我的接觸。除非你有意識的接觸,否則你就有可能讓你的人生道路被他人的議程、規則和計畫所支配,成為自我遊戲的受害者,或者沉迷於自我遊戲。這是因為人們從小被教導要有一個外化的控制點,而不是一個內化的,這意味著你要學會讓別人控制你,而不是學會掌握自己。

The Power Over Others system is a false system where one person appears to have power by either stealing it or denying others their power.Compliance in this system indicates an automatic disregard for universal law.This is the Draconian system currently in place on earth.When GESARA law comes in,earthlings will find themselves in a system that automatically demands more transparency of intent and will move away from this low dimensional system.

控制他人的權力系統是一個錯誤的系統,在這個系統中,一個人通過竊取他人的權力或者剝奪他人的權力來獲得權力。這種制度的順從表明了對普遍規律的自動漠視。這就是目前地球上存在的嚴酷制度。當 GESARA 法則出現時,地球人將發現自己處於一個系統中,這個系統自動要求更多的意圖透明度,並將遠離這個低維度系統。

Here are some examples of the power over others system:


Two candidates are vying for the role of president.One candidate manipulates the vote by adding physical and non-physical votes to their tally.The one candidate unduly dominates the vote by rigging it in his favour.This is power over others and an example of triangulation,where the supposed winner is the perpetrator,the loser the victim and the rescuers are those who voted for the supposed loser.Yes,you're put in the position of rescuer now.Sorry to tell you.The double-party electoral system is an example of triangulation,always.By the way,when Mr T shows back up on the scene,and Mr B is taken away in handcuffs,you'll be the rescued victim then and Mr T will be the rescuer.

兩位候選人正在競爭總統的職位。一個候選人通過在他們的計票中加入物理和非物理選票來操縱選票。有一位候選人操縱選票使其對自己有利,從而不適當地支配了選票。這是一種凌駕於他人之上的力量,是一個三角測量的例子,假定的贏家是犯罪者,失敗者是受害者,救援者是那些投票給假定的失敗者的人。是的,你現在被安排到了救援者的位置。很抱歉告訴你。雙黨選舉制度就是三角關係的一個例子。順便說一句,當 t 先生再次出現在現場,b 先生戴著手銬被帶走時,你將成為獲救的受害者,t 先生將成為拯救者。

Another example is one where a person is subjected to the will of a third party via a messenger,who declares that the person tow the line otherwise be rejected by the third party.This transaction is actually between the person and the third party,with the third party exerting dominance out of a supposed superior position.The way to deal with this is to deflate the third party's dominant position by stating that you're willing to risk the loss gained via the transaction.This is not a counter-manipulation if you actually intend it and aren't bluffing.It's best to walk away.This is a situation I'm in right now.In this example,the third party is the perpetrator,the potential victim is me,and the rescuer is the messenger.I refuse to triangulate.There are no winning positions on this triangle.


Again,like I said in a video last week,I'm so sick and tired of dealing with unconscious people,people who purport to practise spiritual ways of life yet resort to unconscious manipulation of others'free will.


In this situation,the third party is the one who should decide to deal with me or not,but to stop telling me to change in order to gain their approval.Nobody has any right to tell others to change.So,I have bowed out instead.It's perfectly okay for the parties to agree to a compromise.For example ASKING me to change rather than THREATENING to withdraw if I don't would be preferable.But it's too late now.You showed your hand and I don't like your cards.


But the power monger doesn't ask,they bully.


What I'm protecting is the work I do because it's under constant attack from the Matrix.Anyone can be a Matrix minion,and I've been dealing with it for years.


Having been forced so many times by my controlling father to comply or else suffer consequences,I sniffed this one out quickly.You do not give in to any form of tirany,except in the case where your physical life is threatened.Then you take the first opportunity to leave.If someone is flaunting their supposed advantage over you,without first asking you to comply without suffering consequences,then you need to deflate their balloon and deny them their advantage.These are bullies.


If you don't do x,you will not get the benefit of my participation anymore.Sounds like,"Do this,or else!"It's not respectful of another's free will.In this particular case,the bully threw in a comment to the extent that I would suffer a complete failure of my service if I continued on the path that I am.As if he knows.People will say all kinds of things in order to get you to comply with them,even predict your demise,but they're trying to instill fear in you.Don't listen to it.It's another manipulation,one that's used by the media frequently.People who like to forecast your doom aren't your friends,folks.

如果你不做 x,你就不會再從我的參與中獲益。聽起來像是,"這樣做,否則!"這不尊重他人的自由意志。在這個特殊的案例中,那個惡霸給了我一個評論,說如果我繼續走我現在的路,我將會遭受服務的徹底失敗。好像他知道似的。人們會說各種各樣的話來讓你服從他們,甚至預測你的死亡,但是他們試圖向你灌輸恐懼。別聽他的。這是另一種操縱手法,一種被媒體頻繁使用的手法。那些喜歡預言你的末日的人不是你的朋友,夥計們。

"You'll never get anywhere without my help!"


"I made you and I can break you too!"


"You need me,otherwise you're nothing!"


"If you don't stop it and do as I say,you'll suffer!"


People say this kind of stuff all the time.Often it is implied in what they're saying,not stated directly.This is all power over others.Highly manipulative and very controlling.


I forgive them.It's their demons that hate me.


You have a respectful,mutually beneficial agreement when no threats are used in the agreement and no manipulations of suffering a dire fate are predicted.This puts nobody on the triangle.There are no victims,rescuers or perpetrators.


Of course,the bully will always deny they're a bully.They only intimidate whenever they can.And that means whenever you don't call them out and go along with their agenda.When you call them out,they back down.


Also,watch how they always position themselves above you.You need them,not the other way around.Little emphasis is put on your valuable contribution,only what they can do for you.This is another indication of a power monger,not someone who is relating to you as an equal who values your contribution.This is how the power over others system works.You're told you're the underdog and you need to tow the line or lose the deal.


Thank you,Ivo.

謝謝你 Ivo。

Ivo:You are most welcome,my love.


Me:Then there was the one of the book publisher who offered me a six percent salary for the translation,publishing and distribution of my Ashtar book.Six percent,paid out once a year.He said to check with my guides,they would tell me to take the deal.Ashtar called him a crook.I said no.The deal wasn't even negotiable.It was take it or leave it,so I left it.


Don't fall for this stuff,folks.You might have less money but you'll have your self respect and that's the only thing you'll take with you when you go.It's better to respect yourself than let yourself be schlepped along in others'control over you.It wouldn't take so much to gain my participation in these types of transactions:the first would be to ask without giving ultimatums and dire predictions,secondly not disguising the true agenda–revealing it so we can negotiate a transaction,the third would be to allow for negotiation and the fourth would be to position me as an equal and to recognize my contribution.Not a lot to ask,really,just common sense.


These transactions are disrespectful of the person they're trying to get to cooperate with them.People still use too many of these strong arm tactics to make themselves powerful or rich in some way,but they refuse to take into consideration that there are people who just won't settle for being intimidated or just plain ripped off.The reason you're where you are is because of people like me,and you need to learn to respect them otherwise you won't get their cooperation.


I've seen many a minimum wage burger flipper drag their knuckles on the job,too.Too hard to get them to fulfill their job duties when they don't feel the pay really motivates and values them.People are fighting back against oppressive business transactions.It's about time.Watch though,with these minimum wage jobs.There is always the threat,because they are unskilled labour,that they can be replaced unless they do the job.This is where the job market is going:unskilled labour means dime a dozen workers.Be careful about what path you choose in life.


The problem with asking people means you have to let yourself be powerless even momentarily and a lot of people can't do that.The problem with negotiating a business deal means you have to stop being greedy and overvaluing yourself.The problem with paying proper wages to someone for their work means you have to start valuing people over money.This is the power over others structure.Many find it hard to leave it.I didn't because it worked against me from the start anyway.I was never part of it.


The power monger always has to hold all the cards.They give as little over to you as they possibly can.This is also indicative of the power over others system.They may try to manipulate in order to increase their hold over you.Don't fall for it.


This is what you can learn just from one or two small transactions,folks.You can learn a lot about how this world works and how not to fall victim to it.Hold out for your highest good and good will come to you.


Ivo,I see you smiling.


Ivo:I am,my love.You are the change you want to see on your planet.When doors begin to close for people who use these tactics in their negotiations with others,they may begin to get the message.


Me:I'm not worried about them.But yes,this world needs to change.


Ivo:Stand up for yourself.Stand up for your rights.Get off the triangle,as we keep telling you.There are no valued positions on the victim triangle.


You have said it all,my love.I have nothing to add.


Me:But you were there in the background telling me things.That's why I got the A-ha moments of understanding.


Ivo:That is my job,my love.I do it most graciously.


Me:That you do.Thank you for being you,Ivo.


Ivo:Likewise.To make your fight against the Matrix easier is what I live for.I know it is difficult there.



