

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》你正在彌合與本源之間的鴻溝 (20210327)
#DanielScranton #Amber

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are tremendously encouraged by the way that we see all of you changing your interactions with Source and with yourselves. We see more and more of you bridging the self-imposed, imaginary gap created between self and Source, and we see it happening in every moment of every day. You all are becoming more comfortable with yourselves as Beings of Source, beings of unconditional love, and when you get into that state of allowing more of Source to flow through you, it is hard for you to deny what is actually happening.

Getting into that flow means that you are following your bliss, you are being in a state of joy, you are allowing yourselves to relax and let go. When you can just be and be present with whatever it is you are doing or not doing, that’s when you are open. That’s when Source flows through you, and that’s when your concept of self evolves. When you know that something else is upon you, then you can no longer operate under the assumption that you are separate, that you are alone, that nothing else exists but your skin and bones.

There has been an evolution of consciousness upon Earth that has allowed for all of you to feel more of the Source Energy that you truly are to flow through you, and this is a trend that is going to continue. You are not going to see people backsliding into a belief that they are small, insignificant specks of dust in a gigantic universe. Once you get a taste of that flow of Source, you want more and more of it, and we want to encourage you to continue to close that gap, and the way that we know you do this is by following your bliss.

When you are in a state of joy, passion, excitement, and enthusiasm for life, you can feel buoyed by the energy of Source. You can feel yourself aligning with that Infinite Love and Light. You can know yourselves as eternal beings by recognizing that all is now. And if you exist in this now, then you exist in all of them. Again, coming to this realization is so significant that you can never go back. You can never un-expand your consciousness. You are all moving forward at the perfect pace. And life is going to inspire you more and more as you move forward to be who you really are, to not hold any of it back and to merge the Energy of Source with the human consciousness, perfectly and deliberately, creating the new version of you, the one you came to this lifetime to experience.

當你對生活充滿喜悅,激情,興奮和熱情時,你會感到被本源的能量所鼓舞。 你可以感覺到自己與那無限的愛與光保持一致。 通過認識到一切已存在,你可以將自己視為永恆的存在。 如果你現在存在於此,那麼你將存在於所有這些人中。 同樣,實現這一目標是如此重要,以至於你再也回不去了。 你永遠無法擴大自己的意識。 你們都在以完美的步伐前進。 當你前進成為自己的真實身份時,生活將越來越多地激發你的靈感,不要讓任何東西使你退縮,並將本源之力與人類意識完美完美地融合在一起,從而創建你的新版本 ,這是你一生中所要經歷的。 

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been riding a wave of ecstasy into this current moment because we are so thrilled to have these opportunities to share with you a bit of who and what we are. We would love to see all of you feeling even the tiniest bit of excitement about sharing who and what you are with each other. We are not talking about your beliefs, your political views, or even your accomplishments. We are talking about sharing something that comes from inside of you that is special, that is unique to you, that gives people a window to your soul.

We are talking about going beyond your ego and into the multidimensional you that you really are. Whenever you send a wave of love from your chest to another human, that’s what you’re doing. You are sharing a part of yourself that is infinite and eternal, a part of yourself that was meant to come to the surface and be seen, be felt, be heard. You are there becoming unconditional love in the flesh, and if you are holding back who you really are for any reason, you are denying yourselves and denying the rest of humanity something wonderful.

What exists inside of each and every one of you is a unique aspect of Source that is yours and yours alone. That means it is up to you to share that aspect of who you are, and it is so important to do so because of the times you are living in, because of how close you are to the completion of the shift in consciousness, and because you all want to see massive changes in your world. Those changes do begin with you; they begin with you being you being the fullest version of yourself that you can possibly be and sharing that aspect of you with a world that needs more love, more creativity, and more of Source Energy.

You have so much to share, and as it accumulates within you, there does come a point where the floodgates will be opened. You will see something or hear something, and you may even remember something that opens you up and lets the infinite and eternal part of you out for everyone to experience. Let your fellow humans experience you, because you are unique, beautiful, and needed in the world at this time. There has never been a bigger need in fact for you to be you and express yourself in the fullest way that you can, which will always be the love that you are.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


