

傳導:Valerie Donner 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.所有的造物等待著地球的揚升 (20190213)
《2》.永遠不要放棄 (20190310)
《3》.新現實 (20190509)
#ValerieDonner #NickChan

傳導:Valerie Donner
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings I am Mira:


I am pleased to speak with you. We have much to share. Your days are rolling by quickly. We understand that you have been working diligently to keep the peace within and around you. You have many resources to assist you with this even though the dark forces would like to prevent you from finding the truth.


They will not be successful because you carry powerful light and the mastery with which their advanced technologies cannot interfere. They have underestimated you and your capabilities.


We appreciate all that you are doing for the Ascension of the Earth. You understand that we from the Pleiades work with other planets to assist them with their Ascension. You are the most exceptional beings of light that we have ever seen. We understand how much the Creator has entrusted you in this most important shift of the ages. All of creation is waiting for the Earth’s Ascension so they can evolve also.


The dark forces are lagging behind with their nefarious plans to remain in control. They are beginning to see that they are losing their hold of the Earth. Much still remains to be done yet most of their removal from the planet is complete.


This is when the implementation of the plans for the transfiguration of the Earth and the new way of life begin to occur. The templates are in place. Adjustments have to be made according to variables over which we have no control.


Every day you can ask yourself who is in charge now? What can I do to be even more aligned with the divine plan? What can I do to improve life where I live? How can I participate with other like-minded people to remove the falsities under which I have been living?


Who has benefited the most by some of these laws and decisions that are made that are not for the highest good for life on the Earth? Where does the light need to shine so that justice can prevail? How can more and more light focus on the good so that humanity can live in abundance, health, happiness, safety, joy, love and peace?


You will be given everything you need to accomplish the work that is set before you. Your bodies are changing. Your DNA is being activated. Your brains are morphing into greater intelligence. Your intuitive abilities and awareness are expanding. Your hearts are opening to the utmost intelligence. Your bodies are becoming more sensitive and conscious of what is good for them or not.


You are becoming refined and you will become lighter. The living libraries that you contain within are being activated along with the Earth’s living libraries. There is a boundless unfolding of your magnificence.


We Galactics are excited about meeting you and working together to assist the Earth. We are your family. We surround the planet and are here to assist in bringing the Earth home.


I am Mira sending you love and gratitude.


傳導:Valerie Donner
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I come to you today to help you incorporate some of what is going on with the planet at this time.


There is much disturbance on the planet and around it. Vacancies are appearing. You might find some on the planet one day and gone the next. This is occurring through various means, accidents, illnesses, self-inflicted departures, and other ways. Some do not want to experience the ascension and they feel need to leave. Other places and beings are calling them. This is a true battlefield at this moment in the earth’s history.


This is called the time of the great awakening and the great departure. Some have lost hope and others want to go be on another planet. Some are leaving in groups for they have contracts to come and leave together. Others cannot handle the higher frequencies of light. They are not comfortable with the loving energies.


Although it may appear the dark is winning, this is not so. They are diligently working to maintain their old stronghold to little avail. Do not believe what you hear in the mainstream media. Most of you should be able to read through their lies and manipulation. They are transparent and desperate. Even the alternative news on the Internet is suspect. The dark gives out some truths and then fold in lies. Some people with fame and reputable stature are falling from their pedestals.


Look at all of the babies that are being born right now. These souls cannot wait to experience this amazing time on the planet. They are powerfully awakened beings of light. They came for divine purpose to be the leaders of the new earth. Bless them and watch them shine. They are your beloved teachers and examples of how to live in higher consciousness.

看看現在誕生的所有嬰兒。 這些靈魂等不及去體驗地球上這個驚人的時刻。他們是強大的覺醒的光之存有。他們帶著神聖的目標前來成為新地球的領袖。祝福他們,看著他們閃耀。他們是你親愛的教師和如何生活於更高意識的榜樣

Be aware of what is changing around you. Take notice of what no longer serves you or who you are no longer comfortable around. Pay attention to the beauty of nature. Take nothing for granted except your enlightened pathway with the Creator and others of similar mind. Consciousness is what you develop in this earth plane and what you take with you when you leave your physical. Your soul travels with you also.


The brevity of this report is intended to clearly show you succinctly what to do. We cannot do it for you, but we are with you. We are completely committed to you and have your best interests at heart. Remember to look to the skies, to ask us for help and to never give up. You are the masters who are here to accomplish the ascension of the earth. You will be successful. We are together and count on you to be the gifts of light and to do your jobs.


I am Mira with loving blessings.


傳導:Valerie Donner
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently working with the Earth Council.


You may have noticed that we Pleiadians are becoming more visible. We are stepping up our work with the Ascension Process because we are needed now. We are working through various channels including this one. You will be noticing our presence is increasing.


This is the time of the great shift. It is when the reality has changed enough so that our presence is required to assist you through the final days of darkness into the light. You need understanding and guidance as the old world disappears. We help stabilize the planet and life upon it. It is necessary and something that we do on planets that are ascending.


We will explain that the earth is an exceptional planet. It is one of the reasons that this ascension has taken as long as it has. It is a complicated planet that has been held in darkness for too long. Please take heart! We know what we are doing and you have plenty of help from all of creation.


There are billions of us surrounding the earth.The lights on earth have performed brilliantly without knowing the details of what you signed up to do. You are about to find out where you will be needed and what you will be doing. The assignments will vary according to your abilities and choice. We will get to be working together for there is a lot to be done.


The timeline has shifted. The old timeline was not working and there is an urgency, for this is the final hour. From now on every time you blink your eyes something will have changed. Most importantly welcome in your new life and your new reality. You will be living differently and will be supported with love and abundance.


Soon you will begin to see the transparency of some as they drop their cloaks and show you who they truly are. It could be shocking but in this new reality there will be no living in deceit. When the truth comes out they will feel out of place no matter how long they have been in power. This applies to the entire planet. You have heard of the Emperor’s New Clothes, have you not?


We realize how tired you are of the old way of life. That is why you are in the new reality. Watch for the new revelations. They will appear and you will be healed and set free.


I am Mira sending you great love in this new reality.



