

傳導:Valerie Donner 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.允許他人做出自己的選擇 (20180907)
《2》.我們在拿回地球 (20180908)
《3》.你的參與非常重要 (20181108)
#ValerieDonner #NickChan

傳導:Valerie Donner
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. Most of you probably remember that I have been working full time with the Earth Council for the Ascension process for these past six years. I periodically report through this channel what we would like you to know.


You will begin to have increasing numbers of sightings such as the one this channel and others saw at Mount Shasta. Before you know it, seeing ships in the sky will become an everyday occurrence. Can you imagine the excitement that you will feel? We are open and are enthralled with anticipation. We cannot wait to meet you and to get acquainted. We have a lot to share and so do you. We will be helping in every way possible. You will be able to come forward and do your true work for your purpose and destiny.


In addition to the joyful reunion, the skies will light up with potential while your hearts sing to the music of the cosmos. This is what we have long awaited. You will become more beautiful and will learn about the sacredness of life. The waves of love are getting stronger and some of you are feeling this. It is expanding your happiness. It is as if you have been touched by an Angel. You are sculpting your angelic selves, your master-fullness, and starting to make the earth beautiful again, beginning with yourself.


Never before in the history of the Ascension Process anywhere in creation has such brilliance been delivered to any planet. The earth is the most deserving of all for what she has had to endure. The esteemed Lightworkers deserve to be treated with the utmost respect, gifts, and honor for the work that you have achieved. Without you, the beloved earth would most likely not have survived.


The divine plan is being carried out to the fullest. You are part of this plan, an integral force to its completion. You will be given everything that you need. All abundance is yours. Little will remain from the past for you will have little use for it. This last stretch, towards home, will go quickly. You will need to be on your toes and aware of what is occurring around you. Your razor -like sharpness, increased intuition and psychic abilities, sensitivities, discernment, and keen determination for the planet’s Ascension are integral to the success of this mission.


Release any doubts you might have about your abilities to complete this cause. You are almost there. Let those around you make their own choices. Sometimes this is not easy and we understand that. The glory that you are creating mandates that you follow your strategically dealt directions. You will magnetize to your selves like-minded community members that will support you significantly with your work. Your lives will get easier. You will have everything you need to complete your assignment.


Allow others their choices and do not judge them. Love them, have compassion, and be patient. They could surprise you with an awakening in their most divine timing. No matter what, keep kindness in your heart. This will elevate you and will keep you in sync with the energies that are coming. Brace your selves for what is new, true, and divine. Please remember we are one. We love you and our assignment.

允許他人做出自己的選擇,不要評判他們。愛他們。富有同情心,要有耐心。他們會用在他們最神聖時機中的覺醒驚訝你。無論如何,在心中保持良善。這會提升你,會讓你與正在到來的能量同步。 為新的、真實的、神聖的東西做好準備。請記住我們是一。我們愛你和我們的使命

I am Mira saying good bye with love to all.


傳導:Valerie Donner
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings, I am Mira. We come to you today to share from the Earth Council of which I am a member.


There are many comings and goings with the Galactic’s and earth beings. The Ascension plan is in full activation. Every moment is being used to fulfill the mission. We take it seriously. Just like you, the Lightworkers, we are dedicated to having this be the most successful Ascension ever.


Humanity is being constantly distracted so they cannot be aware of what is actually happening. There are many actors on the human stage right now, including the President of the United States. He is playing out his role at this time of change. Please understand that the light is looking out for you, your country, and all countries being involved with the massive change. Please trust the light and the truth that you know in your heart that only goodness will prevail. This is a necessary process where the planet can only shift when humanity becomes more aware of the truth.

人類在被不斷地分心,這樣他們無法意識到真正在發生什麼。此刻人類舞台上有著許多的演員,包括美國的總統。他在改變的時刻扮演著自己的角色。請明白光在尋找你、你的國家,所有國家都涉及巨大的改變。請相信光和你在心中知曉的真理 --- 只有良善會盛行。這是一個必要的進程,地球只能在人類意識到更多的真理時轉變

We see that most of you are adjusting and adapting to the multitudinous changes with which you are faced. Your bodies are changing, relationships, jobs, and locations along with your realities in general. You need stamina, faith, courage, and self-love. We rely on you to be as loving and calm as possible because the rest of humanity is stressed and anxious.


Some of you continue to hold on to emotional loads that you have been carrying from childhood. We understand how problematic this can be. We support you and encourage you to release as much from this bondage as possible. It simply no longer serves you. It is not who you are. Your job now is to raise your vibration, keep your frequency high, and move into a higher consciousness way of life free from struggle, heartache and pain.


Reach for the stars, ground crew. There is more there than meets the eye. Keep your eyes focused on the stellar rays that are coming from the Galactic sun. They are affecting your consciousness your bodies and souls. Every time you acknowledge our presence we acknowledge yours. By doing this you are utilizing your telepathy to connect with the oneness. The days of separation are over. You deserve so much more. The Creator wants you to have it all.


The dynamics of the planet are changing rapidly. Please pay attention. Your awareness and action change these dynamics. You can assist in accelerating and freeing humanity by speaking up and questioning some of the accepted ways of doing business. Business is not as usual. Service to self is on its way out. Many of the ways that you are accustomed to are passé. They simply no longer fit.


We are working with you to take your planet back. It is light all the way. Freedom is going to be the norm. Let us work together towards this unified goal.


I am Mira loving you in the most Galactic way.


傳導:Valerie Donner.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings I am Mira.


Thank you for being here at this time. It is ever so clear how important your participation is in this Ascension process. You rank highly in the annals of Ascension. This is clearly one for the books in the Hall of Records.


You know that you are being spied upon through various means with your nosy alphabet agencies. They use artificial synthetic means to capture what you do. They are trying to mimic what we do in the higher realms. We simply tune in and know what you are doing and thinking. With artificial means you may think you are living in a fishbowl, however, with cosmic ways you may find yourself feeling more united with all of life. This is where the oneness principle applies.


You are beginning to understand that there are no secrets. All is known. You have been living in a matrix that is being controlled and has prevented you from realizing your oneness. As a result of the matrix you have learned separation and fear. You have been controlled artificially and unfortunately limited in a myriad of ways.


Humanity has been living like they are a spectator sport for the dark forces. The dark ones have fed upon the fear and have misused the energies of the populace. You have ultimately been restricted in your lives such that we have never seen. Soon you will begin to realize that the matrix under which you have been living is being reprogrammed for your freedom. It is because of what you have done in raising the levels of your consciousness that the light and energy support allow this freedom.


What the dark forces do not realize is that you work for Source. You will no longer be their fodder. They will not be able to use you. You will become free. You will be able to remove the shackles that held you back from your full creative expression.


Those who have been the perpetrators will realize that they themselves are the prisoners. What has been done to the populace and to the human soul will be paid for karmically for eons. The cruelty, darkness and harshness on the earth that these dark souls created will imprison them until they can learn their lessons, grow and evolve.


Your job as beings of light and love, is to feed upon these higher dimensional energies as you rise higher in consciousness until you find yourselves Home. It is been a long journey fraught with trials and tribulations, yet the destination of Home will all be worth it. All of creation will celebrate with you with your victory.


We will continue these messages until you are free!


We all send you our strength, courage and blessings. We love and admire you.


I am Mira.



