
【Jenny Schiltz】你有能力改變你周圍的一切;關於 放鬆自己,給你自己所有的時間--去愛,去擁有空間。你需要經歷這個轉變

關於:你有能力改變你周圍的一切 .
傳導作者:Jenny Schiltz
譯者:黎飛翔 於20170507
#黎飛翔 #JennySchiltz 


最近我去泡溫泉做水域治療,但感到失望,因為水覺得疲憊、磨損。我不知道是不是因為現在是春假、地方很擁擠,或者是水很難清除我們的垃圾 。我懷疑是後者。我告訴我先生,我們需要晚一點再回到這裡,那時這個地方會更安靜,因為我想做個水的祝福。

他開始詢問我在做什麼 ? 當我解釋的時候,他想知道我是如何知道要這樣做。當我們說話的時候,他問我是否死了,我驚訝地說 : “ 不,我以為你死了”。當他發現自己被另外兩個美國印第安人包圍,他看起來像我一樣的震驚。當他們看著我,並討論我沒有死亡的事實時,他們背後的區域打開了,我看到了很久以前的能量踪跡。  



整個提升的目的,是成為靈魂活著、呼吸的化身 -- 雖然你仍然在身體裡。這需要你變得更有力量,真正地看到你周圍所有的影響。


意識到這一切都源自於源頭;唯一的區別是 - 每個人保留與源頭斷開的量 (amount of disconnection) 之間的不同;你開始意識到本源能量的強大,足以喚醒一個人他們真正是誰。

雖然有人可能不想討論啟蒙和揚升,但是,如果你的意圖是 -- 讓每一個接觸到你光環的人都能感受到生命中源頭的無條件之愛,他們可能會經歷轉變。

我們並不是無能為力的人,我們只是忘記了真實的自己有多麼強大 ! 我們已經忘記了這個世界該如何運作,因為我們已經一再被告知不一樣的事情。這個宇宙 -- 你的宇宙可以透過愛與意圖來轉變。兩個簡單而功能非常強大的工具。

要理解,現在我們正展現出最深的狀態模式。我們一遍又一遍做的事情阻礙了我們成為“行走大師”。當這些 ( 舊模式 ) 展現給我們,這是一個機會讓我們用不同的方式去做、去說,成為與以前不同的。  



我詢問我的團隊 : 我如何能分辨出我在體驗身體升級,或者,我只是感覺情緒試圖從我的形式釋放出來 ?
他們的答案很簡單:這取決於感受到的情緒。換句話說,如果你的身體疼痛、疲憊不堪,但你的精神 / 靈性卻是高昂的,那麼這是身體升級。


放鬆自己,給你自己所有的時間 -- 去愛,去擁有空間。你需要經歷這個轉變 !


So much is shifting in us with this energy. Not only is it creating deep, intense clearings but it is also asking us to step up in our power. Many are finding that as they clear away all the things that no longer serve that it has paved the way for new abilities, greater clarity and intuition to come through. Many are also finding themselves in new or expanded roles.

Recently I went to the hot springs to soak in the healing waters, but was disappointed because the water felt tired, worn out. I didn’t know if it was because it was spring break and the place was crowded or if the waters were simply tired of clearing our crap. I suspected the latter. I told my husband that we needed to return later in the evening when the place would be much quieter as I wanted to do a water blessing. Later I went into a quiet pool and connected with the water, sending her love and source energy. I could feel the energy shift particularly as I sent gratitude for her service and what she has done to help so many. Just then an American Indian appeared before me and I assumed it was an earth bound spirit but the energy was different. He began asking me what I was doing and when I explained he wanted to know how I knew to do this. As we talked he asked me if I was dead and surprised I said – no, I thought you were dead. He looked just as shocked as me as he found himself surrounded by two other American Indians. As they looked at me and discussed the fact that I wasn’t dead, the area behind them opened up and I saw the energetic trail to a time long ago.

To my surprise I saw that somehow I had become part of a shamanic ceremony, one in which the participants were journeying to the future to see what was to come of the healing waters they had known and loved. They just happened to connect to me as I was connecting to the water in ceremony. The shaman in charge of the ceremony asked me a few questions about what was to come and how best to support the waters. What I realized in that moment is that we have considerable power to change all that is. We have the ability to change all that is around us by simply connecting and shifting the energy. We have the ability to go forwards and backwards in time as it is simply a spiral and give and receive information to help us expand.

The entire purpose of ascension is to become the living, breathing embodiment of your soul while still in the body. This requires that you become empowered and truly see the effect that you have all around you. Much of our world and the systems (education, government, medical, religion etc.) in it are designed to dis-empower us. Part of our return to self is to consciously realize the impact we have on all around us.  The energies and the universe (your soul) are conspiring to bring you just the right circumstances to show you where you feel disempowered and the discord this unnatural state causes.

With the realization that ALL is from source with the only distinction being the amount of disconnection each being holds, you begin to realize just how potent source energy is to awakening one to who they truly are. Often this realization hits a person and they want to awaken the whole world by sharing their truth. Unfortunately, this is not always met with welcoming acceptance, but rather like a mule sitting on its butt refusing to move. This then breeds further disempowerment and the energy of not being heard or seen. What is required is a softer approach, one without judgement or attachment.  While a person may not want to discuss enlighten and ascension, they may experience a shift if you make the intention that every person that comes in contact with your aura feels the unconditional love of source in their life. By intention and focus alone, you can make that a reality. While there will be a few that do not respond well to the energy emanating off of you, understand that even in their uncomfortableness – seeds are being planted. Imagine the impact if everywhere you went you placed the intention that everyone who walks through the door feels loved and received healing. I personally place a gold waterfall on the doorway of places I go and am amazed at the energy shift that has taken place when I return there a few months later.

We are not powerless beings, we have just forgotten how powerful we truly are. We have forgotten how this world works because we have been told something different over and over again. This universe, your universe can be transformed through love and intent. Two simple and very powerful tools.

Understand that right now we are being shown our deepest seated patterns. The things that we have done over and over again that hold us back from being the walking masters we are.  As these are being shown to us, it is an opportunity to do, say, and be different then we have before. The moment we choose not to go down that well-traveled path of similar reaction, we begin to rewrite the codes hidden deep within our form. This rewriting then triggers deep release from our tissues allowing us to see from a new perspective and heal the wounds that caused the initial patterning. This rewriting is not done in one moment as the pattern didn’t develop in one moment, but each time we choose to act outside our comfort zone, we create a new path, a new way that opens so many new doors.

I was working with my highest aspect in regards to a deep seated program of avoiding conflict and I told her I was struggling. She said “You do not struggle. You are releasing. You have already done the hardest part: seeing what needs to be released.” This put things into perspective for me and I share in the hope that it assists you as well.

Physically, where each of us is in this process differs. Some are feeling great and others can barely get off the couch. Part of what we are experiencing is a rise in the Schumann Resonance. As this frequency rises everything on our planet must rise with it. This means that we must undergo a recalibration of our entire body systems particularly the brain. What this means physically is that many are experiencing headaches, fatigue, muscle and joint aches and a flare up of chronic conditions. I asked my team how I could tell the difference between when I am experiencing physical upgrades or when I am simply feeling emotions trying to release from my form. Their answer was simple: It depends on the emotions being felt. In other words if your body is aching and you are exhausted but your spirits are high, then it is simply a physical upgrade. However if you are feeling deep anxiety, fear, sadness, anger etc.  as well as the body aches, this can point to the need to look at where these emotions have set up in the body and the need to clear them.

I hope that this message finds you well. I have been deep in process and find myself in awe at the transformation and the abilities opening up. As much as we may wish it, this process isn’t going to slow for quite some time, yet as we release and physically adjust it will feel much more stable. Be easy on yourself and give yourself all the time, love and space you need to go through this transformation. Much love to you all. <3 <3 <3



