
【大天使梅塔特隆】20210118我們已經扭轉局勢;關於 我感謝這個管道拾起我的信息。時間在加速,很快你們都會和我們一起慶祝。請花時間與蓋亞交流,在你的冥想中繼續發送愛給每個人

傳導:Dancing Dolphin.
譯者:Nick Chan.
#DancingDolphin #NickChan #Metatron

Note: This message was dictated and therefore sounds more natural if read aloud.
Yes, dear one, I AM here and I AM your Metatron. I AM here today to give you a message for Lightworkers--all those in body and out of body who are working towards the Ascension, working towards the RV, the Golden Age of Gaia, Peace on Earth, the Golden Age, whatever you may call it. The time of Peace and Prosperity has come! It is finally here on Gaia.
Eons and eons we have waited for this, dear Ones. We have worked and waited and worked and waited—all of us! Each together ONE. Search your hearts, for you know this is true. You have helped, served and sacrificed all these eons in Service to the One. It was a gigantic mission that we all took on, we couldn’t have done it without each other and especially without Gaia. But we have persevered, we have held fast as we are steadfast in our righteous dedication to the One. Many, many, many, many (more than you can count) Souls have participated in this grand experiment, mission or project as you may term it. I am honored to be included and to have participated myself.
You Lightworkers, boots on the ground, in the skies, on the ships, in Inner Earth, you are located in many, many places! Your missions are varied to suit your special skills. I applaud you now with graciousness and gratitude for your dedication as this project has been very long and arduous for all of us. I know you have been feeling the exhaustion and feeling drained, overworked and underpaid (laughs). This lifetime has been one of the toughest because of the extreme measures that have been take--at the last minute I may add, to thwart our Ascension, to throw us off balance and to delay the glory and celebrations that we will have when it is finished. I am here to tell you today dear Ones that IT IS FINISHED! It is finished and the Golden Age of Gaia can begin!
你光之工做者,地表、天空、飛船、內部地球中的人員,你位於許多許多地方。你們的使命各種各樣來匹配你們特殊的能力。我伴隨著善意和感恩讚美你,因為這個項目對我們所有人來說是漫長且艱苦的。我知道你感到疲憊、精疲力盡、勞累過度、報酬過低(笑)。 這一生是最艱難的,出於被採用的極端措施---來阻礙我們的楊升、讓我們失衡、延遲我們將會擁有的輝煌和慶祝。今天我是來告訴你,親愛的,結束了!蓋亞的黃金時代可以開始了!
Hallelujah, Hosanna, Hosanna! Hosanna! I am cheering, I am celebrating, I am over-joyed! This celebration is for all of us, all of us who have participated. We are being told from Mother and Father that it is a job well done and that the effects, repercussions and positive outcome will be felt for evermore through many dimensions, timelines, by other galaxies and even other Universes. The news of the success of this project, this experiment from dark to light, will spread far and wide. Those of us who participated will be revered for our steadfast dedication and success. For we together have accomplished something that has never been done before. That may be hard for some to believe, but there is always is a first. And when something is actually accomplished that was thought to be hopeless, it sends out ripples and waves of hopefulness, of joy and great expectations! We have turned the tide.
Gaia herself is sitting back with a big smile on her face! (chuckles). She is an incredible dear Angel and she knew from the beginning that it was possible. She had faith that it was possible to go so far into the darkness and be able to come back into full spectral light; she never lost hope. She always had her optimism and her faith. She, more than any of the rest of us had her faith and optimism because she knew that it could be done. We would all be lost without her, our dear Gaia. And it is no coincidence that she took on this position, that she was chosen for this because she had the dharma (life path) for this. Mother and Father saw this spark of light inside her and they knew that she was the one that could get the job done, she was the one who could hold on during all eons of darkness; she alone was the one that could take on this task. We all volunteered to come help her, but she is the shining star! She is the one. She is the one.
蓋亞正伴隨著臉上的微笑舒服地坐下!她是一個令人難以置信的天使,她在一開始就知道這是可能的。她相信如此深入黑暗之後能夠返回全光譜的光。她從未失去希望。她總是保持著樂觀和信心。她,比我們任何人都更加樂觀和擁有信心,因為她知道這是可以做到的。沒有她我們都會迷失。她會拾起這個位置不是什麼巧合,她被挑選因為她有過達摩般的人生。 母親和父親看到了她之內的這個光之火花,他們知道她可以做到,她能夠在恆久的黑暗中堅持下來。她能夠勝任這個任務。我們都自願來幫助她,因為她是一顆閃亮的星星!
(Note I had the quick thought “I love Gaia”) Yes, dear one, we love her with all of our hearts! You and all the Lightworkers can talk to her, you can communicate with her in many different ways. You do this unconsciously everyday, but most of you don’t realize it. But she loves and adores you all and would love to talk to you more often and more consciously if you would give it a try. Focus on it. Go sit outdoors. As you commune with the ground and feel the breeze on your face, give thanks for the ants, grasshoppers, ladybugs and all creatures large and small that you may observe or hear; such as a bird’s song. Give thanks, appreciation, gratitude for all those wondrous creatures. The feel of the earth under your feet, the sand between your toes or your boots crunching through the snow. Give thanks. Give her your gratitude for her wispy willow trees, the brilliant blue sky and her majestic mountains.
As you commune with nature, as you give gratitude and appreciation for nature, you are connecting with Gaia. She senses this and she will connect right back with you. You may hear her voice, get an idea or a thought may be placed into your mind, or a honeybee may land on your finger. You know that when you are doing this, it is Gaia herself communicating with you. She loves you all right back. She knows you all by name. Gaia is your biggest fan! (laughs) We all love you very much of course, but Gaia knows exactly who has been here for millennia helping her with this project, so she knows you all and I encourage you all to commune with her! Not only for the sake of communicating with her, which is fabulous beyond measure; but also this will serve to quiet your minds, to ease your stress, to soothe your anxieties during this tumultuous time of living on Gaia now.
當你與大自然交流,當你感謝、欣賞大自然,你就在與蓋亞連接。她能夠感知到,她會來與你連接。你可能會聽到她的聲音、得到一個想法或者一隻蜜蜂可能會落到你的手指上。當你去做,你會知道這是蓋亞在與你交流。她會立刻表達對你的愛。她知道你們每個人的名字。蓋亞是你最大的粉絲!我們都非常地愛你,但蓋亞最清楚誰在這裡數千年幫助她,所以她知道你們所有人, 我鼓勵你們所有人去和她交流!不僅是為了與她交流,這還會服務於安靜你的頭腦、舒緩你的壓力、緩解你的焦慮,在這個混亂的時期
I am aware of what you are all going through—literally aware of the detail of your lives living day by day with the global pandemic, the loss of jobs and businesses, the suffering of the pandemic, all the elections going on, the “lock-downs”, national leaders resigning, etc. I am aware, we all are aware and we are with you, supporting you. This will be short-lived. Once the chaos hits a certain level, it will not last much longer and things will change quickly. OK? I cannot tell you what will change or what will happen, but—I encourage you all to do this—to go outdoors, even if it’s cold. Take a walk, enjoy Gaia. Commune with her and ease your mind and Soul. Be rejuvenated by the fresh smells. Just let your mind relax and forget all the chaos that your news, TV and phones bring to you. Let it all go. Let it go. Commune with Gaia and you will feel much, much better! This will help you get through these difficult times now right at the very end. As I told you earlier, the Golden Age of Gaia has begun, so these tumultuous times will not last much longer.
We are Brothers, we are Sisters, we are One. My “title” as Arch Angel is not important. My form as an angel is not important. Your body as a human body or a galactic body is not important. If you are a blade of grass or a mountain, it’s not important. We are all created by the One, Mother Father One. We are all One. We take on many, many different forms through many, many different lifetimes and are all One whether we’re a drop of water, a grain of sand on the beach, a sea turtle or a hamster! We’re all made of the same stuff so the form doesn’t matter. Our Souls are what matters. Our connection to each other is what matters. I AM in a position right now that I can be of service to you. I would like to close in saying that I give you my gratitude, my love, my guidance. I serve by guiding others. I would love to speak with all of you! I know all of you by name, by Soul and I can guide you. I offer my service. Call on me! Call on me!
I AM grateful to this one for taking my message today. Time is speeding up and you all will be celebrating with us very, very soon. Please take time to commune with Gaia, continue in your meditations, continue sending love to everyone that you can. This helps more than you know and is one of the best things to do at this point—to continue to send love! Make it general, send love to every One.
Share your kindness. Continue doing that. Many, many, many of you are doing that and many of you have done that always. But now, especially now it is needed more than ever. Many people are frightened. When they see your confident, loving smile they feel better instantly. They know it will be OK, that all is well and you have given them that with just a smile. I appreciate YOU, all of YOU! I will go now.
I AM your Metatron, I love YOU always.


