

【地心文明大祭司阿達瑪】譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.內心世界 (20201022)
《2》.清理浮現物 (20201026)
#ADAMA #Telos #泰勒斯 #阿達瑪 #雪士達山 #地心文明 #AsaraAdams #NickChan

《1》.關於 內心世界.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings beloveds of the planet earth, I am Adama of Telos and this is my message to you this day. A great many things are transpiring all around you, and most importantly within you. This is the real secret dear ones. What is happening within your heart centre is the real deal. I know that sounds a little strange to use those words… we wish to approach you in a more grounded humorous way for we see that far too many of you are becoming distracted with the outer world.
We have said many times just how important it is to reach inside, to feel inside of you, to feel the infinite expanse that is within you, which is who you truly are.
It is important to grasp and fully understand that the events transpiring around you are a direct reflection of what it is within you collectively and as an individual being. You can change your outer events by going inside. And here’s how we suggest you do that… Inside you dear ones, there is a labyrinth of light possibilities. The quantum field that you are and that you are within is now brimming with possibilities. But why you continually focus on your outer world, as if these are your only options, you will place your focus on them and continually re-create them. Dear ones, this is not what we wish for you. It is time now to come inside, to realize that the inner world, the great expanse within you, is waiting for your return home.
Much like a diver being afraid or somewhat hesitant to go into an unexplored cave, because of the ‘unknown’ factor, we see many of you resisting, or feeling unsure. Because you have known yourselves to be ‘of’ the outer world, to be ‘In’ the outer world for so long. We understand this dear ones, we know this is difficult for you to transcend, but it is what you must do at this time. This is what we ask of you.
It is VERY important dear ones…
Going into your inner world is a little like melding into a great and tremendous sun, that has infinite expanse and infinite connection. Just like the womb of the mother, this is where all your creativity happens. When you look at your outer world, it is a holographic projection of what you choose to create WITHIN your inner world. In an analogy, we see so many of you believing, as you have done for so long, that to change your outer world you must take action, that you must take control of the outer world components, move them around, form them into what you want and then that is considered ‘job done’.
But this is not true dear ones…
You are moving into higher vibrational realms of the fifth dimension. Here, everything is created from within. If a fifth dimensional being wishes to create something, they go within themselves, they create the reality they wish to experience WITHIN the infinite expanse within themselves and then they watch it unfold very quickly in the outer reflection, that is your outer world (I feel this is much like a womb of pure creativity of which the outer world completely and faithfully becomes in holographic form, like a mirror that constantly jumps to become what you are inside).
This is a very important concept to understand dear ones. We wish to help you, to assist you to transition from being stuck and lost in an outer world, to being beings that are fully centred, fully connection to their inner creatorship. Where you can create and generate the outer reality EAXCTLY as you wish it to be dear ones, no more being blow around like a feather in the outside space as if you are to succumb to outside influences this way and that way. This is not how it works, and this is ONLY a symptom of you giving your power away… And what is it to give your power away? It is to entrench yourself, to believe yourself to be OF the outside world. You therefore allow your power, and you are doing this to yourselves dear ones, you allow your creations to take command of YOU. By entrenching your focus, by entrenching your sense of what is real, your sense of self - that’s the most important part – in the outer world, and then you become OF your outer world.
Dear ones, you get pushed around so much by the outer world elements while you do this. You know this, you experience this. This has caused much frustration in the human race and we see this.
This is why we continually ask you, please come back into your inner space, your inner truth, your inner world.
Your inner world is an infinite expanse… The outer world is but a fraction of what it is to be in your inner world dear ones. And like an analogy this one has used before, the outer world is much like a virtual reality headset that you put on. It can seem very real, so real in fact that over many eons of time you have become enmeshed in this game.
This is a time to wake up and to awaken to your deeper truth dear ones. We talk to all of you the awakened ones. Many of you are still, including this one we will say, still spend far too long, with your attention and your focus on the outer world, seeing what happens, seeing how things change. It is ok to do this dear ones, but do not get lost in this. Do not allow yourselves to be enmeshed in the outer world’s goings on. Do not identify with it, for you are your inner world.
The outer world is an expanse for you to experience your inner world creations as a reflection… We wish for you to ponder this, to contemplate this. Take the time to meditate, go within, go into that beautiful heart centre of yours, feel the love, the potential, the expanse of who you are. Play with it, like a child going into a sand pit for the first time, playing with the sand, feeling it, moving it around, sitting within it, covering yourselves in it, have FUN dear ones!!! Then, certain important powerful truths will dawn on you. Things that we cannot explain here, through this or any other channel, but that which you musty experience for yourselves, you must realize for yourself. And oh dear ones we wish so much for you to do this, and we rejoice in knowing that you soon will. We only ask… we only ask for you to take the time to go within, to meditate. We know you hear these message often dear ones, and we know many of you feel they are repetitive, but this is SO VALUABLE for you dear ones, this is so important.
It has NEVER been outside of you.
The events taking place outside of you are but a jostle of energetics in this giant transformation, where the old chaotic hidden is coming out and dissolving away, and you are seeing it. This is not who you are, do not involve yourselves in it, unless you feel guided to do so.
Please place AS MUCH OF YOUR FOCUS, YOUR ATTENTION within yourself as often and as deeply as you feel you would love to.
We love you all so very much, and we will leave you with this final thought and feeling if we may…
We are giving an image to this one of a bright sun, a beautiful powerful sun with a universe all around it. This is analogous to your inner and outer worlds. The sun is your inner world, when you step through that portal inside an expanse, an infinite expanse opens up to you. You have yet to fully understand what suns are, many of you have a good idea, but most do not. And the outer expanse around the sun is your outer world. Dear ones, where does EVERYTHING in the outer world get its light from, yes dear ones, the sun.
The centre of you is the source of all your life.
You are a sun in human form
We urge you to go into that portal in the centre of your sun and realize the ENORMITY, the EXPANSE, the INFINITY, the CREATIVE WELL inside of you, it is infinite dear ones. We playfully ask you to contemplate this to feel it.
Find and connect with your inner world portal, your SACRED HEART as many call it. The gateway to the truth of who you really are.
When you do this often enough, you will release your attachments to the outer world, you will realize it full for the illusion and non-existence it really is…
We bid you farewell, until the next time, this is our message to you this day. We thank this channel and all for listening.
We love you so very much and we look forward to seeing so many bright stars, switch on far more deeply.
We bid you adieu, goodbye for now…

《2》.關於 清理浮現物.
傳導:Asara Adams.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings, Beloved Ones
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost LOVE from the Heart of Telos.
Dear Ones, as you are moving through the energies, you are shedding layer after layer of your old self.
This is an ongoing process until you have fully Ascended and are Free.
When you are shedding a layer of your old self, the emotional and Karmic creation from this life time and past lives comes up to be released.
This can be triggered by circumstances and interactions or simply show itself as an emotion.
Any feelings, physical experiences and outer circumstances are ready to be released.
The sooner you are open to release them, instead of holding on to them, the easier this process becomes.
To assist you, we would like to offer you a simple release process:
Breathe deeply and slowly...
Imagine a Golden warm LIGHT pulsating in your Heart center...
Imagine for this Golden warm LIGHT to fill your entire body...
Imagine for this Golden warm LIGHT to fill your entire aura...
Imagine for this Golden warm LIGHT to fill your entire room...
Say out loud or in your mind:
"In the name of my beloved I AM Presence, I Now call forth the Angelic Host, The Ascended Host and the Cosmic Host to assist me with this release!
(Feel, See and Perceive their Presence...)
I AM calling for the Violet Flame to consume any human creation that is not of Divine LOVE NOW!"
(Imagine for the Violet Flame to encircle you from your feet all the way up your entire body and aura. Breathe...)
"I AM calling for the Violet Flame to consume any human creation that is not of Divine LOVE from this life time and past life times NOW!"
(Imagine for the Violet Flame to expand into this life time and past life times. Breathe...)
"I AM calling for the Liquid Golden LIGHT of Christ LOVE to fill my entire BEing, this life time and all past life times NOW!"
(Imagine for the Liquid Golden Light of Christ Love to expand within you and all your past lives. Breathe...)
See, feel and perceive BEings of LIGHT from the Ascended Host, the Angelic Host and the Cosmic Host interacting with you.
When you feel complete, return your Awareness to your NOW Moment.
Welcome back!
Feel free to do this process whenever something comes up.
We champion your Victory in the LIGHT!
Welcome Home!
We send you all so much LOVE...
You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The NEW EARTH.
KNOW in your Heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your Family and Friends in Telos - and Always will BE.
Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are Loved beyond measure - Always.
I AM your brother ADAMA of Telos.


